Client Library Desires to Push an Error onto HDF5 Error Stack Code Example:

(Push Error Use Case Scenario)

/* Client error class ID */

/* Major error code IDs */
hid_t CLIENT_ERR_MAJOR_IO;		/* Errors on I/O */
hid_t CLIENT_ERR_MAJOR_FILE;	/* Errors on file access */

/* Minor error code IDs */
hid_t CLIENT_ERR_MINOR_PERM;	/* Invalid permissions */
hid_t CLIENT_ERR_MINOR_HDF5;	/* Error in HDF5 */

int Client_do_write
	/* Create strings to hold function name for error reporting and a file name */
	const char *FUNC="Client_do_write";
        const char *file="a_file";
	/* Set up client write information, etc. */

	/* Check permissions on writing at client level */
	/* (This shows client library pushing error onto current stack by itself) */
		/* Push client error onto error stack */
		H5Epush(H5E_DEFAULT,__FILE__,FUNC,__LINE__,CLIENT_ERR_MAJ_IO,CLIENT_ERR_MINOR_PERM,"Can't write to this object");

		/* Indicate error occurred in function */


	/* Make call to HDF5 I/O routine */
	/* (This shows client library pushing error onto current stack on top of HDF5 errors) */
	if(H5Dwrite(dset_id, mem_type_id, mem_space_id, file_space_id, dset_xfer_plist_id, buf)<0)
		/* Push client error onto error stack */

		/* Indicate error occurred in function */

        /* Make a system call */
        /* (This shows client library pushing error onto current stack with additional message
         * generated during run time)
        if(open(file, O_RDONLY)<0) {
                const char* mesg = strerror(errno);

                /* Push client error onto error stack */
                H5Epush(H5E_DEFAULT,__FILE__,FUNC, __LINE__,CLIENT_ERR_MAJ_IO,CLIENT_ERR_MINOR_OPEN,"Can't open system file, errno=%s", mesg);

                /* Indicate error occurred in this function */

	/* Successful return from function */