Package hdf.object.h4

Class H4SDS

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataFormat, MetaDataContainer, Serializable

public class H4SDS extends ScalarDS implements MetaDataContainer
H4SDS describes HDF4 Scientific Data Sets (SDS) and operations performed on the SDS. A SDS is a group of data structures used to store and describe multidimensional arrays of scientific data. The data contained in an SDS array has a data type associated with it. The standard data types supported by the SD interface include 32- and 64-bit floating-point numbers, 8-, 16- and 32-bit signed integers, 8-, 16- and 32-bit unsigned integers, and 8-bit characters. How to Select a Subset Dataset defines APIs for reading, writing and subsetting a dataset. No function is defined to select a subset of a data array. The selection is done in an implicit way. Function calls to dimension information such as getSelectedDims() return an array of dimension values, which is a reference to the array in the dataset object. Changes of the array outside the dataset object directly change the values of the array in the dataset object. It is like pointers in C. The following is an example of how to make a subset. In the example, the dataset is a 4-dimension with size of [200][100][50][10], i.e. dims[0]=200; dims[1]=100; dims[2]=50; dims[3]=10;
We want to select every other data point in dims[1] and dims[2]
     int rank = dataset.getRank();   // number of dimensions of the dataset
     long[] dims = dataset.getDims(); // the dimension sizes of the dataset
     long[] selected = dataset.getSelectedDims(); // the selected size of the dataet
     long[] start = dataset.getStartDims(); // the offset of the selection
     long[] stride = dataset.getStride(); // the stride of the dataset
     int[]  selectedIndex = dataset.getSelectedIndex(); // the selected dimensions for display

     // select dim1 and dim2 as 2D data for display,and slice through dim0
     selectedIndex[0] = 1;
     selectedIndex[1] = 2;
     selectedIndex[1] = 0;

     // reset the selection arrays
     for (int i=0; i<rank; i++) {
         start[i] = 0;
         selected[i] = 1;
         stride[i] = 1;

    // set stride to 2 on dim1 and dim2 so that every other data point is selected.
    stride[1] = 2;
    stride[2] = 2;

    // set the selection size of dim1 and dim2
    selected[1] = dims[1]/stride[1];
    selected[2] = dims[1]/stride[2];

    // when is called, the slection above will be used since
    // the dimension arrays is passed by reference. Changes of these arrays
    // outside the dataset object directly change the values of these array
    // in the dataset object.

1.1 9/4/2007
Peter X. Cao
See Also: