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DF24 - Single-file 24-Bit Raster Image Interface

DF24addimage/d2aimg Writes a 24-bit image to the specified file.
DF24getdims/d2gdims Retrieves dimensions and interlace storage scheme of next image.
DF24getimage/d2gimg Retrieves an image from the next 24-bit raster image set.
DF24lastref/d2lref Retrieves the last reference number written to or read from a 24-bit raster image set.
DF24nimages/d2nimg Counts the number of 24-bit raster images contained in an HDF file.
DF24putimage/d2pimg Writes a 24-bit image as the first image in the file.
DF24readref/d2rref Specifies the reference number of the next image to be read when DF24getimage is next called.
DF24reqil/d2reqil Specifies the interlace mode for the next call to DF24getimage will use.
DF24restart/d2first Specifies that the next 24-bit image read from the file will be the first one rather than the 24-bit image following the one most recently read.
DF24setcompress/d2scomp Set the type of compression to use when writing the next 24-bit raster image.
d2scomp Fortran-specific routine that sets the parameters needed for the JPEG algorithm.
d2sjpeg Fortran-specific routine that sets the parameters needed for the JPEG algorithm.
DF24setdims/d2sdims Set the dimensions of the next image to be written to a file.
DF24setil/d2setil Specifies the interlace mode to be used on subsequent writes.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.