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DFR8 - Single-file 8-Bit Raster Image Interface

DFR8addimage/d8aimg Appends the RIS8 for the image to the file.
DFR8getdims/d8gdims Opens the file, finds the next image, retrieves the dimensions of the image, and determines whether there is a palette associated with the image.
DFR8getimage/d8gimg To retrieve the image and its palette, if it is present, and store them in the specified arrays.
DFR8getpalref Retrieves the reference number of the palette associated with the last image accessed.
DFR8lastref/d8lref Retrieves the last reference number written to or read from an RIS8.
DFR8nimages/d8nims Retrieves the number of 8-bit raster images stored in the specified file.
DFR8putimage/d8pimg Writes the RIS8 for the image as the first image in the file, overwriting any information previously in the file.
DFR8readref/d8rref Specifies the reference number of the image to be read when DFR8getimage is next called.
DFR8restart/d8first Causes the next get command to read from the first raster image set in the file.
DFR8setcompress/d8scomp Sets the compression type to be used when writing the next 8-bit raster image.
d8scomp Fortran-specific routine that sets the parameters needed for the JPEG algorithm.
d8sjpeg Fortran-specific routine that sets the parameters needed for the JPEG algorithm.
DFR8setpalette/d8spal Indicate which palette, if any, is to be used for subsequent image sets.
DFR8writeref/d8wref Specifies the reference number of the image to be written when DFR8addimage or DFR8putimage is next called.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.