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DFP - Single-File Palette Interface

DFPaddpal/dpapal Appends a palette to a file.
DFPgetpal/dpgpal Retrieves the next palette from file and stores it in the buffer palette.
DFPlastref/dplref Returns the value of the reference number most recently read or written by a palette function call.
DFPnpals/dpnpals Indicates the number of palettes in the specified file.
DFPputpal/dpppal Writes a palette to the file.
DFPreadref/dprref Retrieves the reference number of the palette to be retrieved next by DFPgetpal.
DFPrestart/dprest Specifies that DFPgetpal will read the first palette in the file, rather than the next unread palette.
DFPwriteref/dpwref Determines the reference number of the next palette to be written.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.