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intn DFPputpal (char *filename, VOIDP palette, intn overwrite, char *filemode)

filename IN:

Name of the file

palette IN:

Buffer containing the palette to be written

overwrite IN:

Flag identifying the palette to be written

filemode IN:

File access mode


Writes a palette to the file.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


This routine provides more control of palette write operations than DFPaddpal. Note that the combination filemode="w" and overwrite=1 has no meaning and will result in an error condition. To overwrite a palette, filename must be the same filename as the last file accessed through the DFP interface.

Valid values for overwrite are: 1 to overwrite last palette; 0 to write a new palette.

Valid values for filemode are: "a" to append the palette to the file and "w" to create a new file.

The palette buffer must be at least 768 bytes in length.


integer function dpppal(filename, palette, overwrite, filemode)

character*(*) filename, palette, filemode

integer overwrite

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.