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intn DFR8addimage(char *filename, VOIDP image, int32 width, int32 height, uint16 compress)

filename IN:

Name of the file

image IN:

Array containing the image data

width IN:

Number of columns in the image

height IN:

Number of rows in the image

compress IN:

Type of compression to use, if any


Appends the RIS8 for the image to the file.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


DFR8addimage is functionally equivalent to DFR8putimage, except that DFR8putimage cannot append image data; it only overwrites.


integer function d8aimg(filename, image, width, height, compress)

character*(*) filename, image

integer width, height

integer compress

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.