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int32 DFANgetfid(int32 file_id, char *desc_buf, int32 buf_len, intn isfirst)

file_id IN:

File identifier returned by Hopen

label_buf OUT:

The buffer allocated to hold the label

buf_len IN:

Size of the buffer allocated to hold the label

isfirst IN:

Determines the file label to be retrieved


Reads a file label from a file.

Return value

Returns the length of the file description if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


If isfirst is 0, DFANgetfid gets the next file label from the file. If isfirst is 1, DFANgetfid gets the first file label in the file. If buf_len is not large enough, the label is truncated to buf_len-1 characters in the buffer label_buf.

Valid values of isfirst are: 1 to read the first label, 0 to read the next label


integer function dagfid(file_id, label_buf, buf_len, isfirst)

integer file_id, buf_len, isfirst

character*(*) label_buf

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.