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int32 DFANgetfidlen(int32 file_id, intn isfirst)

file_id IN:

File identifier returned by Hopen

isfirst IN:

Determines the file label the retrieved length information applies to


Returns the length of a file label.

Return value

Returns the length of the file label if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


When DFANgetfidlen is first called for a given file, it returns the length of the first file label. In order to retrieve the lengths of successive file labels, DFANgetfid must be called between calls to DFANgetfidlen. Otherwise, successive calls to DFANgetfidlen will return the length of the same file label.

Valid values of isfirst are: 1 to read the first label, and 0 to read the next label.


integer function dagfidl(file_id, isfirst)

integer file_id, isfirst

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.