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intn GRend(int32 gr_id)

gr_id IN:

GR interface identifier returned by GRstart


Terminates the GR interface session.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


GRend terminates the GR interface session identified by the parameter gr_id.

GRend, together with GRstart, defines the extent of a GR interface session. GRend disposes of the internal structures initialized by the corresponding call to GRstart. There must be a call to GRend for each call to GRstart; failing to provide one may cause loss of data.

GRstart and GRend do not manage file access; use Hopen and Hclose to open and close HDF files. Hopen must be called before GRstart and Hclose must be called after GRend.


integer function mgend(gr_id)

integer gr_id

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.