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GR - Multifile General Raster Image Interface

GRattrinfo/mgatinf Retrieves information about an attribute.
GRcreate/mgcreat Creates a new raster image.
GRend/mgend Terminates the GR interface session.
GRendaccess/mgendac Terminates access to a raster image.
GRfileinfo/mgfinfo Retrieves the number of raster images and the number of global attributes in the file.
GRfindattr/mgfndat Finds the index of a data object's attribute given an attribute name.
GRgetattr/mggnatt/mggcatt Reads the values of an attribute for a data object.
GRgetchunkinfo/mggichnk Raster image identifier returned by GRcreate or GRselect
GRgetiminfo/mggiinf Retrieves general information about a raster image.
GRgetlutid/mggltid Gets the identifier of a palette given its index.
GRgetlutinfo/mgglinf Retrieves information about a palette.
GRidtoref/mgid2rf Maps a raster image identifier to a reference number.
GRluttoref/mglt2rf Maps a palette identifier to a reference number.
GRnametoindex/mgn2ndx Maps the name of a raster image to an index.
GRreadchunk/mgrchnk Reads a raster image chunk.
GRreadimage/mgrdimg/mgrcimg Raster image identifier returned by GRcreate or GRselect
GRreadlut/mgrdlut/mgrclut Reads a palette.
GRreftoindex/mgr2idx Maps the reference number of a raster image to an index.
GRreqimageil/mgrimil Specifies the interlace mode to be used in the subsequent raster image read operation(s).
GRreqlutil/mgrltil Specifies the interlace mode to be used in the next palette read operation(s).
GRselect/mgselct Selects the existing raster image.
GRsetattr/mgsnatt/mgscatt Assigns an attribute to a raster image or a file.
GRsetcompress/mgscompress Specifies if the raster image will be stored in a file as a compressed raster image.
GRsetchunk/mgschnk Makes a raster image a chunked raster image.
GRsetchunkcache/mgscchnk Specifies the maximum number of chunks to cache.
GRsetexternalfile/mgsxfil Specifies that the raster image will be written to an external file.
GRstart/mgstart Initializes the GR interface.
GRwritechunk/mgwchnk Writes a raster image chunk.
GRwriteimage/mgwrimg/mgwcimg Writes a raster image.
GRwritelut/mgwrlut/mgwclut Writes a palette.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.