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intn GRsetchunkcache(int32 ri_id, int32 maxcache, int32 flags)

ri_id IN:

Raster image identifier returned by GRcreate or GRselect

maxcache IN:

Maximum number of chunks to cache

flags IN:

Flags determining the behavior of the routine


Specifies the maximum number of chunks to cache.

Return value

Returns the value of the parameter maxcache if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


GRsetchunkcache sets the maximum number of chunks to be cached for the chunked raster image specified by the parameter ri_id. The maximum number of the chunks is specified by the parameter maxcache.

Currently, the only valid value of the parameter flags is 0.

If GRsetchunkcache is not called, the maximum number of chunks in the cache is set to the number of chunks along the fastest-changing dimension. Refer to the discussion of the GRsetchunkcache routine in the HDF User's Guide for more specific information on the routine's behavior.


integer function mgscchnk(ri_id, maxcache, flags)

integer ri_id, maxcache, flags

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.