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H - Common H Interface

Hclose/hclose Closes the access path to the file.
Hgetfileversion/hgfilver Retrieves version information for an HDF file.
Hgetlibversion/hglibver Retrieves the version information of the current HDF library.
Hishdf Determines if a file is an HDF file.
Hopen/hopen Provides an access path to an HDF file by reading all the data descriptor blocks into memory.
HDdont_atexit/hddontatexit Indicates to the library that an 'atexit()' routine is _not_ to be installed.
HEprint/heprnt Prints information to the error stack.
HEstring Returns the error message associated with specified error code.
HXsetcreatedir/hxiscdir Initializes the directory environment variable, identifying the location of the external file to be written.
HXsetdir/hxisdir Initializes the directory environment variable, identifying the location of the external file to be located.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.