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SD - Multifile Scientific Data Interface

SDattrinfo/sfgainfo Retrieves information about an attribute.
SDcreate/sfcreate Creates a new data set.
SDdiminfo/sfgdinfo Retrieves information about a dimension.
SDend/sfend Terminates access to an SD interface.
SDendaccess/sfendacc Terminates access to a data set.
SDfileinfo/sffinfo Retrieves the number of data sets and the number of global attributes in a file.
SDfindattr/sffattr Finds the index of an attribute given its name.
SDgetcal/sfgcal Retrieves the calibration information associated with a data set.
SDgetchunkinfo/sfgichnk Retrieves chunking information for a data set.
SDgetdatastrs/sfgdtstr Retrieves the predefined attributes of a data set.
SDgetdimid/sfdimid Returns the identifier of a dimension given its index.
SDgetdimscale/sfgdscale Retrieves the scale values for a dimension.
SDgetdimstrs/sfgdmstr Retrieves the predefined attributes of a dimension.
SDgetfillvalue/sfgfill/sfgcfill Reads the fill value of a data set, if the value has been set.
SDgetinfo/sfginfo Retrieves the name, rank, dimension sizes, data type and number of attributes for a data set.
SDgetrange/sfgrange Retrieves the maximum and minimum values of the range.
SDidtoref/sfid2ref Returns the reference number assigned to a data set.
SDiscoordvar/sfiscvar Determines if a data set is a coordinate variable.
SDisdimval_bwcomp/sfisdmvc Determines whether a dimension has the old and new representations or the new representation only.
SDisrecord/sfisrcrd Determines whether a data set is appendable.
SDnametoindex/sfn2index Determines the index of a data set given its name.
SDreadattr/sfrnatt/sfrcatt Reads the values of an attribute.
SDreadchunk/sfrchnk/sfrcchnk Reads a data chunk from a chunked data set.
SDreaddata/sfrdata/sfrcdata Reads a subsample of data from a data set or coordinate variable.
SDreftoindex/sfref2index Returns the index of a data set given the reference number.
SDselect/sfselect Obtains the data set identifier (sds_id) of a data set.
SDsetattr/sfsnatt/sfscatt Attaches an attribute to an object.
SDsetblocksize/sfsblsz Sets the block size used for storing data sets with unlimited dimensions.
SDsetcal/sfscal Sets the calibration information.
SDsetchunk/sfschnk Sets the chunk size and the compression method, if any, of a data set.
SDsetchunkcache/sfscchnk Sets the size of the chunk cache.
SDsetcompress/sfscompress Compresses the data set with the specified compression method.
SDsetdatastrs/sfsdtstr Sets the predefined attributes for a data set.
SDsetdimname/sfsdmname Assigns a name to a dimension.
SDsetdimscale/sfsdscale Stores the values of a dimension.
SDsetdimstrs/sfsdmstr Sets the predefined attribute of a dimension.
SDsetdimval_comp/sfsdmvc Determines whether a dimension will have the old and new representations or the new representation only.
SDsetexternalfile/sfsextf Stores data in an external file.
SDsetfillmode/sfsflmd Sets the current fill mode of a file.
SDsetfillvalue/sfsfill/sfscfill Sets the fill value for a data set.
SDsetnbitdataset/sfsnbit Specifies a non-standard bit length for the data set values.
SDsetrange/sfsrange Sets the maximum and minimum range values for a data set.
SDstart/sfstart Opens an HDF file and initializes an SD interface.
SDwritechunk/sfwchnk/sfwcchnk Writes a data chunk to a chunked data set.
SDwritedata/sfwdata/sfwcdata Writes a subsample of data to a data set or to a coordinate variable.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.