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intn SDgetcal(int32 sds_id, float64 *cal, float64 *cal_err, float64 *offset, float64 *offset_err, int32 *data_type)

sds_id IN:

Data set identifier returned by SDcreate or SDselect

cal OUT:

Calibration factor

cal_err OUT:

Calibration error

offset OUT:

Uncalibrated offset

offset_err OUT:

Uncalibrated offset error

data_type OUT:

Data type of uncalibrated data


Retrieves the calibration information associated with a data set.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


SDgetcal reads the calibration record attached to the data set identified by the parameter sds_id. A calibration record is comprised of four 64-bit floating point values followed by a 32-bit integer. The information is listed in the following table:


calibration factor


calibration error


uncalibrated offset


uncalibrated offset error


data type of the uncalibrated data

The relationship between a calibrated value cal_value and the original value orig_value is defined as orig_value = cal * (cal_value - offset).

The variable offset_err contains a potential error of offset, and cal_err contains a potential error of cal. Currently the calibration record is provided for information only. The SD interface performs no operations on the data based on the calibration tag.


integer function sfgcal(sds_id, cal, cal_err, offset, offset_err, data_type)

integer sds_id, data_type

real*8 cal, cal_err, offset, offset_err

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.