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int32 GRgetlutid(int32 ri_id, int32 pal_index)

ri_id IN:

Raster image identifier returned by GRcreate or GRselect

pal_index IN:

Index of the palette


Gets the identifier of a palette given its index.

Return value

Returns the palette identifier if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


GRgetlutid gets the identifier of the palette attached to the raster image identified by the parameter ri_id. The palette is identified by its index, pal_index.

Currently, only one palette can be assigned to a raster image, which means that pal_index should always be set to 0.


integer function mggltid(ri_id, pal_index)

integer ri_id, pal_index

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.