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intn GRgetlutinfo(int32 pal_id, int32 *ncomp, int32 *data_type, int32 *interlace_mode, int32 *num_entries)

pal_id IN:

Palette identifier returned by GRgetlutid

ncomp OUT:

Number of components in the palette

data_type OUT:

Data type of the palette

interlace_mode OUT:

Interlace mode of the stored palette data

num_entries OUT:

Number of color lookup table entries in the palette


Retrieves information about a palette.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


GRgetlutinfo retrieves the number of pixel components, data type, interlace mode, and number of color lookup table entries of the palette identified by the parameter pal_id. These values are stored in the parameters ncomp, data_type, interlace_mode, and num_entries, respectively. In C if the value of any of the output parameters are set to NULL, the corresponding information will not be retrieved.


integer function mgglinf(pal_id, ncomp, data_type, interlace_mode, num_entries)

integer pal_id, ncomp, data_type, interlace_mode, num_entries

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.