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intn GRfileinfo(int32 gr_id, int32 *n_images, int32 *n_file_attrs)

gr_id IN:

GR interface identifier returned by GRstart

n_images OUT:

Number of raster images in the file

n_file_attrs OUT:

Number of global attributes in the file


Retrieves the number of raster images and the number of global attributes in the file.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


GRfileinfo retrieves the number of raster images and the number of global attributes for the GR interface identified by the parameter gr_id, and stores them into the parameters n_images and n_file_attrs, respectively.

The term "global attributes" refers to attributes that are assigned to the file instead of individual raster images. These attributes are created by GRsetattr with the object identifier parameter set to a GR interface identifier (gr_id) rather than a raster image identifier (ri_id).

GRfileinfo is useful in finding the range of acceptable indices for GRselect calls.


integer function mgfinfo(gr_id, n_images, n_file_attrs)

integer gr_id, n_images, n_file_attrs

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.