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int32 VHstoredatam(int32 file_id, char *fieldname, uint8 buf[], int32 n_records, int32 data_type, char *vdata_name, char *vdata_class, int32 order)

file_id IN:

File identifier returned by Hopen

fieldname IN:

Field name

buf IN:

Buffer containing the records to be stored

n_records IN:

Number of records to be stored

data_type IN:

Type of data to be stored

vdata_name IN:

Name of the vdata to be created

vdata_class IN:

Class of the vdata to be created

order IN:

Field order


Creates and writes to a multi-order, single-field vdata.

Return value

Returns the reference number of the newly created vdata if successful, and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


VHstoredatam creates a vdata with the name specified by the parameter vdata_name and a class name specified by the parameter vdata_class in the file identified by the parameter file_id. The data type of the vdata is specified by the parameter data_type. The vdata contains one field with the name specified by the parameter fieldname. The order of the field, order, indicates the number of vdata values stored per field. The vdata contains the number of records specified by the parameter n_records. The buf parameter should contain n_records records that will be stored in the vdata.

Vstart must precede VHstoredatam. It is not necessary, however, to call VSattach or VSdetach in conjunction with VHstoredatam.

This routine provides a high-level method for creating multi-order, single-field vdatas.

Note that there are two FORTRAN-77 versions of this routine; one for numeric data (vhfsdm) and the other for character data (vhfscdm).


integer function vhfsdm(file_id, fieldname, buf, n_records,

integer file_id, n_records, data_type, order

character*(*) vdata_name, vdata_class, fieldname

<valid numeric data type> buf(*)

integer function vhfscdm(file_id, fieldname, buf, n_records, data_type, vdata_name, vdata_class, order)

integer file_id, n_records, data_type, order

character*(*) vdata_name, vdata_class, fieldname

character*(*) buf

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.