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VS - Vdata Interface

VHstoredata/vhfsd/vhfscd Creates and writes to a single-field vdata.
VHstoredatam/vhfsdm/vhfscdm Creates and writes to a multi-order, single-field vdata.
VSappendable/vsapp (Obsolete) Makes it possible to append to a vdata.
VSattach/vsfatch Attaches to an existing vdata or creates a new vdata.
VSattrinfo/vsfainf Retrieves attribute information of a vdata or a vdata field.
VSdelete/vsfdlte Remove a vdata from a file.
VSdetach/vsfdtch Detaches from the current vdata, terminating further access to that vdata.
VSelts/vsfelts Determines the number of records in a vdata.
VSfdefine/vsffdef Defines a new field for in a vdata.
VSfexist/vsfex Returns a value of 1 if all field(s) exist and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.
VSfind/vsffnd Returns the reference number of a vdata, given its name.
VSfindattr/vsffdat Returns the index of an attribute of a vdata or vdata field.
VSfindclass/vffcls Returns the reference number of the first vdata with a given vdata class name
VSfindex/vsffidx Retrieves the index of a field within a vdata.
VSfnattrs/vsffnas Returns the number of attributes attached to a vdata or the number of attributes attached to a vdata field.
VSfpack/vsfcpak/vsfnpak Packs field data into a buffer or unpacks buffered field data into vdata field(s) for fully interlaced fields.
VSgetattr/vsfgnat/vsfgcat Retrieves the attribute values of a vdata or vdata field.
VSgetclass/vsfgcls Retrieves the vdata class name, if any.
VSgetfields/vsfgfld Retrieves the field names of all of the fields in a vdata.
VSgetid/vsfgid Sequentially searches through a file for vdatas.
VSgetinterlace/vsfgint Returns the interlace mode of a vdata.
VSgetname/vsfgnam Retrieves the name of a vdata.
VSgetversion/vsgver Returns the version number of a vdata.
VSinquire/vsfinq Retrieves general information about a vdata.
VSisattr/vsfisat Determines whether a vdata is an attribute.
VSlone/vsflone Retrieves the reference numbers of all lone vdatas, i.e., vdatas that are not grouped with other objects, in a file.
VSnattrs/vsfnats Returns the total number of attributes of a vdata and of its fields.
VSread/vsfrd/vsfrdc/vsfread Retrieves data from a vdata.
VSseek/vsfseek Provides a mechanism for random-access I/O within a vdata.
VSsetattr/vsfsnat/vsfscat Sets an attribute of a vdata or a vdata field.
VSsetclass/vsfscls Sets the class name of a vdata.
VSsetexternalfile/vsfsextf Stores vdata information in an external file.
VSsetfields/vsfsfld Specifies the fields to be accessed.
VSsetinterlace/vsfsint Sets the interlace mode of a vdata.
VSsetname/vsfsnam Assigns a name to a vdata.
VSsizeof/vsfsiz Computes the size, in bytes, of the given field(s) for the local machine.
VSwrite/vsfwrt/vsfwrtc/vsfwrit Writes data to a vdata.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.