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intn VSsetexternalfile(int32 vdata_id, char *filename, int32 offset)

vdata_id IN:

Vdata identifier returned by VSattach

filename IN:

Name of the external file

offset IN:

Offset, in bytes, of the location in the external file the new data is to be written


Stores vdata information in an external file.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


VSsetexternalfile writes data in the vdata identified by the parameter vdata_id in the file named filename, at the byte offset specified by the parameter offset.

Only the data will be stored externally. Attributes and all metadata will remain in the primary HDF file.

IMPORTANT: The user must ensure that the external files are relocated along with the primary file.

Read the Reference Manual page on SDsetexternalfile for more information on using the external file feature.


integer function vsfsextf(vdata_id, filename, offset)

integer vdata_id, offset

character*(*) filename

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.