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int32 VSseek(int32 vdata_id, int32 record_pos)

vdata_id IN:

Vdata identifier returned by VSattach

record_pos IN:

Position of the record


Provides a mechanism for random-access I/O within a vdata.

Return value

Returns the record position (zero or a positive integer) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


VSseek moves the access pointer within the vdata identified by the parameter vdata_id to the position of the record specified by the parameter record_pos. The next call to VSread or VSwrite will read from or write to the record where the access pointer has been moved to.

The value of record_pos is zero-based. For example, to seek to the third record in the vdata, set record_pos to 2. The first record position is specified by specifying a record_pos value of 0. Each seek is constrained to a record boundary within the vdata.


integer function vsfseek(vdata_id, record_pos)

integer vdata_id, record_pos

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.