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intn VSinquire(int32 vdata_id, int32 *n_records, int32 *interlace_mode, char *field_name_list, int32 *vdata_size, char *vdata_name)

vdata_id IN:

Vdata identifier returned by VSattach

n_records OUT:

Number of records

interlace_mode OUT:

Interlace mode of the data

field_name_list OUT:

List of field names

vdata_size OUT:

Size of a record

vdata_name OUT:

Name of the vdata


Retrieves general information about a vdata.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) if it is unable to return any of the requested information.


VSinquire retrieves the number of records, the interlace mode of the data, the name of the fields, the size, and the name of the vdata, vdata_id, and stores them in the parameters n_records, interlace_mode, field_name_list, vdata_size, and vdata_name, respectively. In C, if any of the output parameters are NULL, the corresponding information will not be retrieved. Refer to the Reference Manual pages on VSelts, VSgetfields, VSgetinterlace, VSsizeof and VSgetname for other routines that can be used to retrieve specific information.

Possible returned values for interlace_mode are FULL_INTERLACE (or 0) and NO_INTERLACE (or 1). The returned value of vdata_size is the number of bytes in a record and is machine-dependent.

The parameter field_name_list is a character string that contains the names of all the vdata fields, separated by commas. (e.g., "PX,PY,PZ" in C and 'PX,PY,PZ' in Fortran).

The user must allocate the memory space for the buffer vdata_name before calling VSinquire. If the vdata does not have a name, a null string is returned in the parameter vdata_name . The maximum length of a vdata name is defined by VSNAMELENMAX (or 64)


integer function vsfinq(vdata_id, n_records, interlace, field_name_list, vdata_size, vdata_name)

integer vdata_id, n_records, interlace, vdata_size

character*(*) field_name_list, vdata_name

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.