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15.5 Converting 8-Bit Raster Images to the HDF Format: r8tohdf

15.5.1 General Description

The r8tohdf utility converts a set of raw raster images to the HDF RIS8 format and writes them to a file.

15.5.2 Command-line Syntax

r8tohdf [number-of-rows number-of-columns] output-filename [-p palette-filename] [-c|-r|-i] raw-raster-image-filename-1, raw-raster-image-filename-2, ... raw-raster-image-filename-n
The option flags are described in Table 15G.


Palette File

Inserts a palette stored in the file palette-filename in the RIS8. If the -p flag is not specified, a palette is not stored with the RIS8.


Run-length Encoding

Compresses the output data using run-length encoding.


IMCOMP Compression

Compresses the output data using the IMCOMP method.


No Compression

No compression is applied to the output data. (the default)

r8tohdf Option Flags

15.5.3 Examples

A file named rawras contains a 256 x 512-byte raw raster image, and its palette is stored in a file name mypal. To convert the information in these files to an RIS8 without compression and store the RIS8 in a file named ras.hdf, enter the following r8tohdf command:

r8tohdf 256 512 ras.hdf -p mypal rawras
A 800 x 1000-byte raw raster image is stored in a file named bigpic. This data must be converted to a RIS8 without a palette, compressing it using run-length encoding, then stored in a file named bigpic.hdf. The following command will do this:

r8tohdf 800 1000 bigpic.hdf -c bigpic
A 300 x 400 raw raster image is contained in each of the files named pic1, pic2, and pic3. To convert all three files to RIS8s, compress them using the IMCOMP method, and store them in a file named pic.hdf, enter

r8tohdf 300 400 pic.hdf -i pic1 pic2 pic3
Different types of raster image data are to be stored in a file named ras.hdf. The image data in the file rawras1 will be stored without a palette. The image data sets from the file named rawras2 are to be stored with a palette extracted from a file named mypal. The images from the rawras1 and rawras2 files are to be compressed using run-length encoding, and the image in the rawras3 file is not to be compressed. The size of all images are 256 x 512 bytes. The following command is used to do this:

r8tohdf 256 512 ras.hdf -c rawras1 -p mypal rawras2 -r rawras3

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HDF User's Guide - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.