All Classes

An attribute is a (name, value) pair of metadata attached to a primary data object such as a dataset, group or named datatype.
ChartView displays a histogram/line chart of selected row/column of table data or image data.
An interface that provides general operations for data with a Compound datatype.
A CompoundDS is a dataset with compound datatype.
A Factory class to return a concrete class implementing the IDisplayConverter interface in order to convert data values into human-readable forms in a NatTable.
A class containing utility functions for the various DataXXXFactory classes, such as DataProviderFactory, DataDisplayConverterFactory and DataValidatorFactory.
An interface that provides general I/O operations for object data.
DataOptionDialog is an dialog window used to select display options.
A Factory class to return a concrete class implementing the IDataProvider interface in order to provide data for a NatTable.
The abstract class provides general APIs to create and manipulate dataset objects, and retrieve dataset properties, datatype and dimension sizes.
Datatype is an abstract class that defines datatype characteristics and APIs for a data type.
A Factory class to return a DataValidator class for a NatTable instance based upon the Datatype that it is supplied.
The data view interface for displaying data objects
Following the Abstract Factory Pattern, represents a class to produce different types of DataView factory classes depending on the given DataViewType enum value.
Defines a list of APIs for the main HDFView windows
DefaultBaseMetaDataView is a default implementation of the MetaDataView which is used to show data properties of an object.
DefaultBaseTableView serves as the base class for a DataView that displays HDF data in a tabular format.
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
ImageView displays an HDF dataset as an image.
FlipFilter creates image filter to flip image horizontally or vertically.
A simple Factory class which returns concrete instances of the default ImageView.
A simple Factory class which returns concrete instances of the default MetaDataView, based on whether the data object is a Group, Dataset, Datatype or other form of object.
Displays a dialog for viewing and change palettes.
A simple Factory class which returns concrete instances of the default PaletteView.
A simple Factory class which returns concrete instances of the default TableView, based on whether the data object to be viewed is a scalar or compound dataset or is an attribute.
TreeView defines APIs for opening files and displaying the file structure in a tree structure.
A simple Factory class which returns concrete instances of the default TreeView.
FileFormat defines general interfaces for working with files whose data is organized according to a supported format.
FitsDataset describes an multi-dimension array of HDF5 scalar or atomic data types, such as byte, int, short, long, float, double and string, and operations performed on the scalar dataset
Datatype encapsulates information of a datatype.
This class provides file level APIs.
An H5Group represents HDF5 group, inheriting from Group.
Group is an abstract class.
An attribute is a (name, value) pair of metadata attached to a primary data object such as a dataset, group or named datatype.
This class defines HDF4 data type characteristics and APIs for a data type.
This class provides file level APIs.
H4GRImage describes an HDF4 general raster(GR) image and operations performed on the GR image.
An H4Group is a vgroup in HDF4, inheriting from Group.
H4SDS describes HDF4 Scientific Data Sets (SDS) and operations performed on the SDS.
H4Vdata describes a multi-dimension array of HDF4 vdata, inheriting CompoundDS.
An attribute is a (name, value) pair of metadata attached to a primary data object such as a dataset, group or named datatype.
The H5CompoundDS class defines an HDF5 dataset of compound datatypes.
This class defines HDF5 datatype characteristics and APIs for a data type.
H5File is an implementation of the FileFormat class for HDF5 files.
An H5Group object represents an existing HDF5 group in file.
An H5Link object represents an existing HDF5 object in file.
H5ScalarDS describes a multi-dimension array of HDF5 scalar or atomic data types, such as byte, int, short, long, float, double and string, and operations performed on the scalar dataset.
HDFView is the main class of this HDF visual tool.
The helpview interface for displaying user help information
The HObject class is the root class of all the HDF data objects.
ImageConversionDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for converting files.
The image view interface for displaying image object
Custom SWT dialog to allow the user to input strings for various uses.
MathConversionDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for math conversion.
An interface that provides general I/O operations for object metadata attached to an object.
The metadata view interface for displaying metadata information
An attribute is a (name, value) pair of metadata attached to a primary data object such as a dataset, group or named datatype.
NC2Dataset describes an multi-dimension array of HDF5 scalar or atomic data types, such as byte, int, short, long, float, double and string, and operations performed on the scalar dataset
Datatype encapsulates information of a datatype.
This class provides file level APIs.
An NC2Group represents NetCDF3 group, inheriting from Group.
NewAttributeDialog displays components for adding a new attribute.
NewCompoundDatasetDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 compound dataset.
NewDataDialog is an intermediate class for creating data types.
NewDatasetDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 dataset.
NewDatatypeDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF5 datatype.
NewGroupDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 group.
NewImageDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 Image.
NewLinkDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating new links.
The palette view interface for displaying image palette
A scalar dataset is a multiple dimension array of scalar points.
The table view interface for displaying data in table form
The "Tools" class contains various tools for HDF files such as jpeg to HDF converter.
TreeView defines APIs for opening a file and displaying the file structure in a tree structure.
UserOptionsDefaultPage extends PreferencePage to display the default button images for the ok, cancel, apply and defaults button.
UserOptionsDialog displays components for choosing user options. - Configuration page for general application settings. - Configuration page for HDF-specific application settings.
UserOptionsDialog displays components for choosing user options. - Configuration page for user-implementable modules.
Property keys control how the data is displayed.
Property keys control how the data is displayed.
Used to create different DataViews for a given HObject.