Package hdf.view

Class HDFView

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HDFView
    extends Object
    implements hdf.view.DataView.DataViewManager
    HDFView is the main class of this HDF visual tool. It is used to layout the graphical components of the hdfview. The major GUI components of the HDFView include Menubar, Toolbar, TreeView, ContentView, and MessageArea.

    The HDFView is designed in such a way that it does not have direct access to the HDF library. All the HDF library access is done through HDF objects. Therefore, the HDFView package depends on the object package but not the library package. The source code of the view package (hdf.view) should be compiled with the library package (hdf.hdflib and hdf.hdf5lib).

    2.4 //2015
    Jordan T. Henderson
    • Constructor Detail

      • HDFView

        public HDFView​(String root)
        Constructs HDFView with a given root directory, where the HDFView is installed, and opens the given files in the viewer.
        root - the directory where the HDFView is installed.
    • Method Detail

      • openMainWindow

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell openMainWindow​(List<File> flist,
                                                            int width,
                                                            int height,
                                                            int x,
                                                            int y)
        Creates HDFView with a given size, and opens the given files in the viewer.
        flist - a list of files to open.
        width - the width of the app in pixels
        height - the height of the app in pixels
        x - the coord x of the app in pixels
        y - the coord y of the app in pixels
        the newly-created HDFView Shell
      • getListOfTreeViews

        public static final List<String> getListOfTreeViews()
        a list of treeview implementations.
      • getListOfImageViews

        public static final List<String> getListOfImageViews()
        a list of imageview implementations.
      • getListOfTableViews

        public static final List<?> getListOfTableViews()
        a list of tableview implementations.
      • getListOfMetaDataViews

        public static final List<?> getListOfMetaDataViews()
        a list of metaDataview implementations.
      • getListOfPaletteViews

        public static final List<?> getListOfPaletteViews()
        a list of paletteview implementations.
      • getTreeView

        public hdf.view.TreeView.TreeView getTreeView()
        Specified by:
        getTreeView in interface hdf.view.DataView.DataViewManager
      • getUrlBar

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo getUrlBar()
      • showStatus

        public void showStatus​(String msg)
        Display feedback message.
        Specified by:
        showStatus in interface hdf.view.DataView.DataViewManager
        msg - the message to display.
      • showError

        public void showError​(String errMsg)
        Display error message
        Specified by:
        showError in interface hdf.view.DataView.DataViewManager
        errMsg - the error message to display
      • writeDataToFile

        public void writeDataToFile​(FileFormat theFile)
        Write the change of data to the given file.
        theFile - The file to be updated.
      • addDataView

        public void addDataView​(hdf.view.DataView.DataView dataView)
        Specified by:
        addDataView in interface hdf.view.DataView.DataViewManager
      • removeDataView

        public void removeDataView​(hdf.view.DataView.DataView dataView)
        Specified by:
        removeDataView in interface hdf.view.DataView.DataViewManager
      • getDataView

        public hdf.view.DataView.DataView getDataView​(HObject dataObject)
        Specified by:
        getDataView in interface hdf.view.DataView.DataViewManager
      • setTestState

        public void setTestState​(boolean testing)
        Set the testing state that determines if HDFView is being executed for GUI testing.
        testing - Provides SWTBot native dialog compatibility workarounds if set to true.
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        The starting point of this application.
         Usage: java(w)
                -Dhdf.hdf5lib.H5.hdf5lib="your HDF5 library path"
                -Dhdf.hdflib.HDFLibrary.hdflib="your HDF4 library path"
                -root "the directory where the HDFView is installed"
                [filename] "the file to open"
        args - the command line arguments