public abstract class CompoundDS extends Dataset
A compound datatype is an aggregation of one or more datatypes. Each member of a compound type has a name which is unique within that type, and a datatype of that member in a compound datum. Compound datatypes can be nested, i.e. members of a compound datatype can be some other compound datatype.
For more details on compound datatypes, see HDF5 User's Guide
Since Java cannot handle C-structured compound data, data in a compound dataset is loaded in to an Java List. Each element of the list is a data array that corresponds to a compound field. The data is read/written by compound field.
For example, if compound dataset "comp" has the following nested structure, and member datatypes
comp --> m01 (int) comp --> m02 (float) comp --> nest1 --> m11 (char) comp --> nest1 --> m12 (String) comp --> nest1 --> nest2 --> m21 (long) comp --> nest1 --> nest2 --> m22 (double)The data object is a Java list of six arrays: {int[], float[], char[], Stirng[], long[] and double[]}.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected boolean[] |
The array to store flags to indicate if a member of this compound
dataset is selected for read/write.
protected Object[] |
The dimension sizes of each member.
protected String[] |
The names of members of the compound dataset.
protected int[] |
Returns array containing the total number of elements of the members of
this compound dataset.
protected Datatype[] |
The datatypes of compound members.
protected int |
The number of members of the compound dataset.
static String |
A single character to separate the names of nested compound fields.
chunkSize, compression, compression_gzip_txt, convertByteToString, convertedBuf, data, datatype, dimNames, dims, enumConverted, filters, isDataLoaded, maxDims, nPoints, originalBuf, rank, selectedDims, selectedIndex, selectedStride, startDims, storage, storage_layout
fileFormat, linkTargetObjName, oid
Constructor and Description |
CompoundDS(FileFormat theFile,
String name,
String path)
Constructs a CompoundDS object with the given file, dataset name and path.
CompoundDS(FileFormat theFile,
String name,
String path,
long[] oid)
Not for public use in the future.
Using CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Dataset |
copy(Group pgroup,
String name,
long[] dims,
Object data)
Not implemented for compound dataset.
int |
Returns the number of members of the compound dataset.
int[] |
getMemberDims(int i)
Returns the dimension sizes of the i-th member.
String[] |
Returns the names of the members of the compound dataset.
int[] |
Returns array containing the total number of elements of the members of
the compound dataset.
Datatype[] |
Returns an array of datatype objects of compound members.
int |
Returns the number of selected members of the compound dataset.
int[] |
Returns array containing the total number of elements of the selected
members of the compound dataset.
Datatype[] |
Returns an array of datatype objects of selected compound members.
boolean |
isMemberSelected(int idx)
Checks if a member of the compound dataset is selected for read/write.
void |
selectMember(int idx)
Selects the i-th member for read/write.
void |
setMemberSelection(boolean isSelected)
Selects/deselects all members.
byteToString, clear, clearData, convertFromUnsignedC, convertFromUnsignedC, convertToUnsignedC, convertToUnsignedC, getChunkSize, getCompression, getConvertByteToString, getData, getDatatype, getDimNames, getDims, getFilters, getHeight, getMaxDims, getOriginalClass, getRank, getSelectedDims, getSelectedIndex, getSize, getStartDims, getStorage, getStorageLayout, getStride, getWidth, init, isEnumConverted, isString, read, readBytes, setConvertByteToString, setData, setEnumConverted, stringToByte, write, write
close, debug, equals, equalsOID, getFID, getFile, getFileFormat, getFullName, getLinkTargetObjName, getName, getOID, getPath, open, setLinkTargetObjName, setName, setPath, toString
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
getMetadata, hasAttribute, removeMetadata, updateMetadata, writeMetadata
public static final String separator
protected int numberOfMembers
protected String[] memberNames
protected int[] memberOrders
For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as
COMP { int A; float B[5]; double C[2][3]; }memberOrders is an integer array of {1, 5, 6} to indicate that member A has one element, member B has 5 elements, and member C has 6 elements.
protected Object[] memberDims
The i-th element of the Object[] is an integer array (int[]) that contains the dimension sizes of the i-th member.
protected Datatype[] memberTypes
protected boolean[] isMemberSelected
If a member is selected, the read/write will perform on the member. Applications such as HDFView will only display the selected members of the compound dataset.
For example, if a compound dataset has four members String[] memberNames = {"X", "Y", "Z", "TIME"}; and boolean[] isMemberSelected = {true, false, false, true}; members "X" and "TIME" are selected for read and write.
public CompoundDS(FileFormat theFile, String name, String path)
The dataset object represents an existing dataset in the file. For example, new H5CompoundDS(file, "dset1", "/g0/") constructs a dataset object that corresponds to the dataset, "dset1", at group "/g0/".
This object is usually constructed at, which loads the file structure and object information into memory. It is rarely used elsewhere.
- the file that contains the
- the name of the CompoundDS, e.g. "compDS".path
- the path of the CompoundDS, e.g. "/g1".@Deprecated public CompoundDS(FileFormat theFile, String name, String path, long[] oid)
CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String)
- the file that contains the
- the name of the CompoundDS, e.g. "compDS".path
- the path of the CompoundDS, e.g. "/g1".oid
- the oid of the CompoundDS.public final int getMemberCount()
public final int getSelectedMemberCount()
For example, in a compound datatype of {int A, float B, char[] C}, users can choose to retrieve only {A, C} from the dataset. In this case, getSelectedMemberCount() returns two.
public final String[] getMemberNames()
For example, for a compound datatype of {int A, float B, char[] C} getMemberNames() returns ["A", "B", "C"}.
public final boolean isMemberSelected(int idx)
- the index of compound member.public final void selectMember(int idx)
- the index of compound member.public final void setMemberSelection(boolean isSelected)
- The indicator to select or deselect all members. If true, all
members are selected for read/write. If false, no member is
selected for read/write.public final int[] getMemberOrders()
For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as
COMP { int A; float B[5]; double C[2][3]; }getMemberOrders() will return an integer array of {1, 5, 6} to indicate that member A has one element, member B has 5 elements, and member C has 6 elements.
public final int[] getSelectedMemberOrders()
For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as
COMP { int A; float B[5]; double C[2][3]; }If A and B are selected, getSelectedMemberOrders() returns an array of {1, 5}
public final int[] getMemberDims(int i)
For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as
COMP { int A; float B[5]; double C[2][3]; }getMemberDims(2) returns an array of {2, 3}, while getMemberDims(1) returns an array of {5}, and getMemberDims(0) returns null.
- the i-th memberpublic final Datatype[] getMemberTypes()
Each member of a compound dataset has its own datatype. The datatype of a member can be atomic or other compound datatype (nested compound). Sub-classes set up the datatype objects at init().
public final Datatype[] getSelectedMemberTypes()
@Deprecated public Dataset copy(Group pgroup, String name, long[] dims, Object data) throws Exception
This function allows applications to create a new dataset for a given data buffer. For example, users can select a specific interesting part from a large image and create a new image with the selection.
The new dataset retains the datatype and dataset creation properties of this dataset.
in class Dataset
- the group which the dataset is copied
- the name of the new dataset.dims
- the dimension sizes of the the new
- the data values of the subset to be copied.Exception
- if dataset can not be copiedCopyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.