String name
Datatype type
int rank
long[] dims
Object value
Map<K,V> properties
boolean isUnsigned
boolean isScalar
int numberOfMembers
String[] memberNames
int[] memberOrders
For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as
COMP { int A; float B[5]; double C[2][3]; }memberOrders is an integer array of {1, 5, 6} to indicate that member A has one element, member B has 5 elements, and member C has 6 elements.
Object[] memberDims
The i-th element of the Object[] is an integer array (int[]) that contains the dimension sizes of the i-th member.
Datatype[] memberTypes
boolean[] isMemberSelected
If a member is selected, the read/write will perform on the member. Applications such as HDFView will only display the selected members of the compound dataset.
For example, if a compound dataset has four members String[] memberNames = {"X", "Y", "Z", "TIME"}; and boolean[] isMemberSelected = {true, false, false, true}; members "X" and "TIME" are selected for read and write.
Object data
int rank
long[] dims
long[] maxDims
long[] selectedDims
The selected size must be less than or equal to the current dimension size. A subset of a rectangle selection is defined by the starting position and selected sizes.
For example, if a 4 X 5 dataset is as follows:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 long[] dims = {4, 5}; long[] startDims = {1, 2}; long[] selectedDims = {3, 3}; then the following subset is selected by the startDims and selectedDims above: 12, 13, 14 22, 23, 24 32, 33, 34
long[] startDims
int[] selectedIndex
selectedIndex[] is provided for two purposes:
long[] selectedStride
long[] chunkSize
String compression
String filters
String storage_layout
String storage
Datatype datatype
String[] dimNames
boolean convertByteToString
boolean isDataLoaded
long nPoints
Object originalBuf
Object convertedBuf
For example, Suppose that the original data is an array of unsigned 16-bit short integers. Since Java does not support unsigned integer, the data is converted to an array of 32-bit singed integer. In that case, the converted buffer is the array of 32-bit singed integer.
boolean enumConverted
int datatypeClass
int datatypeSize
int datatypeOrder
int datatypeSign
String enumMembers
List<E> compoundMemberNames
List<E> compoundMemberTypes
List<E> compoundMemberOffsets
List<E> compoundMemberFieldIDs
Datatype baseType
long[] dims
boolean isVLEN
int max_members
int start_members
int fid
String fullFileName
boolean isReadOnly
String filename
FileFormat fileFormat
String name
String path
String fullName
long[] oid
HDF4 objects are uniquely identified by a (tag_id, ref_id) pair. i.e.
oid[0] = tag, oid[1] = ref_id.
HDF5 objects are uniquely identified by an object reference. i.e.
oid[0] = obj_id.
String linkTargetObjName
int interlace
double[] imageDataRange
byte[][] palette
The palette values are stored in a two-dimensional byte array and arrange by color components of red, green and blue. palette[][] = byte[3][256], where, palette[0][], palette[1][] and palette[2][] are the red, green and blue components respectively.
boolean isImage
boolean isTrueColor
boolean isText
boolean isUnsigned
boolean unsignedConverted
Object fillValue
List<E> filteredImageValues
boolean isImageDisplay
boolean isDefaultImageOrder
boolean isFillValueConverted
int flag
DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode
List<E> objList
int grid
boolean isNetCDF
int sdid
boolean showAll
List<E> attributeList
int grid
int ncomp
int datatypeID
int nAttributes
List<E> attributeList
int numberOfRecords
int[] memberTIDs
int nAttributes
List<E> attributeList
int nAttributes
hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5O_info_t obj_info
List<E> flatNameList
The nested names are separated by CompoundDS.separator. For example, if compound dataset "A" has the following nested structure,
A --> m01 A --> m02 A --> nest1 --> m11 A --> nest1 --> m12 A --> nest1 --> nest2 --> m21 A --> nest1 --> nest2 --> m22 i.e. A = { m01, m02, nest1{m11, m12, nest2{ m21, m22}}}The flatNameList of compound dataset "A" will be {m01, m02, nest1[m11, nest1[m12, nest1[nest2[m21, nest1[nest2[m22}
List<E> flatTypeList
boolean isExternal
int flag
int indexType
int indexOrder
DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode
int[] libver
boolean attrFlag
hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5O_info_t obj_info
List<E> attributeList
int nAttributes
hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5O_info_t obj_info
byte[] paletteRefs
boolean isVLEN
boolean isEnum
boolean isExternal
boolean isArrayOfCompound
boolean isArrayOfVLEN
boolean isNativeDatatype
boolean isRegRef
double[][] data
hdf.view.Chart.ChartPanel chartP
int numberOfPoints
int chartStyle
double ymax
double ymin
double xmax
double xmin
String[] lineLabels
Color[] lineColors
int numberOfLines
double[] xData
boolean isInteger
DecimalFormat format
ViewManager viewer
Dataset dataset
int rank
long[] start
long[] dims
long[] selected
long[] stride
int[] selectedIndex
int[] currentIndex
BitSet bitmask
JRadioButton spreadsheetButton
JRadioButton imageButton
JRadioButton base1Button
JRadioButton base0Button
JCheckBox charCheckbox
JButton bitmaskHelp
JCheckBox applyBitmaskButton
JCheckBox extractBitButton
JRadioButton[] bitmaskButtons
JComboBox<E> choiceTextView
JComboBox<E> choiceTableView
JComboBox<E> choiceImageView
JComboBox<E> choicePalette
JComboBox<E> transposeChoice
JComboBox<E>[] choices
boolean isSelectionCancelled
boolean isTrueColorImage
boolean isText
boolean isH5
JLabel[] maxLabels
JLabel selLabel
JTextField[] startFields
JTextField[] endFields
JTextField[] strideFields
JTextField dataRangeField
JTextField fillValueField
JList<E> fieldList
Toolkit toolkit
hdf.view.DataOptionDialog.PreviewNavigator navigator
int numberOfPalettes
boolean performJComboBoxEvent
ViewManager viewer
Toolkit toolkit
ScalarDS dataset
hdf.view.DefaultImageView.ImageComponent imageComponent
Image image
float zoomFactor
byte[] imageByteData
byte[][] imagePalette
String frameTitle
JTextField valueField
boolean isTrueColor
boolean is3D
boolean isPlaneInterlace
boolean isHorizontalFlipped
boolean isVerticalFlipped
int rotateCount
char NT
Object data
boolean isUnsigned
boolean isUnsignedConverted
double[] dataRange
double[] originalRange
hdf.view.DefaultImageView.PaletteComponent paletteComponent
int animationSpeed
List<E> rotateRelatedItems
JScrollPane imageScroller
JTextField frameField
long curFrame
long maxFrame
BufferedImage bufferedImage
hdf.view.DefaultImageView.ContrastSlider contrastSlider
int indexBase
int[] dataDist
boolean doAutoGainContrast
double[] gainBias
double[] gainBias_current
Object autoGainData
BitSet bitmask
boolean convertByteData
ViewProperties.BITMASK_OP bitmaskOP
hdf.view.DefaultImageView.Origin imageOrigin
List<E> invalidValueIndex
ViewManager viewer
HObject hObject
JTabbedPane tabbedPane
JTextArea attrContentArea
JTable attrTable
DefaultTableModel attrTableModel
JLabel attrNumberLabel
int numAttributes
boolean isH5
boolean isH4
byte[] userBlock
JTextArea userBlockArea
JButton jamButton
JTextField linkField
FileFormat fileFormat
String LinkTObjName
int[] libver
ScalarDS dataset
hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView.ChartPanel chartP
ImageView imageView
hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView.PaletteValueTable paletteValueTable
JRadioButton checkRed
JRadioButton checkGreen
JRadioButton checkBlue
JComboBox<E> choicePalette
Image originalImage
Image currentImage
Color[] lineColors
String[] lineLabels
byte[][] palette
int numberOfPalettes
int[][] paletteData
int x0
int y0
boolean isPaletteChanged
boolean startEditing
ViewManager viewer
JTable table
Dataset dataset
Object dataValue
Object fillValue
hdf.view.DefaultTableView.ViewType viewType
char NT
DecimalFormat scientificFormat
DecimalFormat customFormat
NumberFormat normalFormat
NumberFormat numberFormat
BitSet bitmask
ViewProperties.BITMASK_OP bitmaskOP
JTextField frameField
long curFrame
long maxFrame
int indexBase
int fixedDataLength
int binaryOrder
boolean isReadOnly
boolean isValueChanged
boolean isEnumConverted
boolean isDisplayTypeChar
boolean isDataTransposed
boolean isRegRef
boolean isObjRef
boolean showAsHex
boolean showAsBin
boolean[] startEditing
JPopupMenu popupMenu
JCheckBoxMenuItem checkFixedDataLength
JCheckBoxMenuItem checkCustomNotation
JCheckBoxMenuItem checkScientificNotation
JCheckBoxMenuItem checkHex
JCheckBoxMenuItem checkBin
JTextArea cellValueField
JLabel cellLabel
Toolkit toolkit
Object currentEditingCellValue
ViewManager viewer
ScalarDS dataset
String[] text
JTable table
boolean isReadOnly
boolean isTextChanged
hdf.view.DefaultTextView.RowHeader rowHeaders
int indexBase
hdf.view.DefaultTextView.TextAreaEditor textEditor
ViewManager viewer
DefaultMutableTreeNode root
JTree tree
DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode
List<E> objectsToCopy
TreePath[] currentSelectionsForMove
HObject selectedObject
FileFormat selectedFile
TreePath selectedTreePath
DefaultTreeModel treeModel
List<E> fileList
List<E> editGUIs
JPopupMenu popupMenu
JMenu exportDatasetMenu
JSeparator separator
JMenuItem addDatasetMenuItem
JMenuItem addTableMenuItem
JMenuItem addDatatypeMenuItem
JMenuItem addLinkMenuItem
JMenuItem setLibVerBoundsItem
JMenuItem changeIndexItem
Toolkit toolkit
boolean isDefaultDisplay
boolean moveFlag
boolean isApplyBitmaskOnly
int currentIndexType
int currentIndexOrder
int binaryOrder
String currentSearchPhrase
String fileTypeFrom
String fileTypeTo
JTextField srcFileField
JTextField dstFileField
boolean isConverted
boolean isConvertedFromImage
String convertedFile
String toFileExtension
List<E> fileList
String currentDir
Toolkit toolkit
String rootDir
String currentDir
String currentFile
ViewProperties props
TreeView treeView
int frameOffset
JDesktopPane contentPane
JTextArea statusArea
JTextArea attributeArea
JTabbedPane infoTabbedPane
JMenuBar menuBar
JMenu windowMenu
JMenu fileMenu
StringBuffer message
StringBuffer metadata
Toolkit toolkit
List<E> editGUIs
List<E> h5GUIs
List<E> h4GUIs
JComboBox<E> urlBar
UserOptionsDialog userOptionDialog
Constructor<T> ctrSrbFileDialog
JDialog srbFileDialog
JTextField aField
JTextField bField
JTextArea infoArea
JList<E> functionList
Object dataValue
char NT
String[] functionDescription
boolean isConverted
Toolkit toolkit
HObject hObject
Attribute newAttribute
JTextField nameField
JTextField valueField
JTextField lengthField
JComboBox<E> classChoice
JComboBox<E> sizeChoice
JComboBox<E> objChoice
JCheckBox checkUnsigned
JRadioButton h4GrAttrRadioButton
FileFormat fileFormat
JLabel arrayLengthLabel
boolean isH5
JDialog helpDialog
JTextField nameField
JTextField currentSizeField
JTextField chunkSizeField
JTextField stringLengthField
JTextField fillValueField
JTextField maxSizeField
JComboBox<E> parentChoice
JComboBox<E> classChoice
JComboBox<E> sizeChoice
JComboBox<E> endianChoice
JComboBox<E> rankChoice
JComboBox<E> compressionLevel
JCheckBox checkUnsigned
JCheckBox checkCompression
JCheckBox checkFillValue
JRadioButton checkContinguous
JRadioButton checkChunked
boolean isH5
List<E> groupList
HObject newObject
FileFormat fileFormat
DataView dataView
Toolkit toolkit
JDialog helpDialog
JTextField nameField
JTextField stringLengthField
JComboBox<E> parentChoice
JComboBox<E> classChoice
JComboBox<E> sizeChoice
JComboBox<E> endianChoice
JCheckBox checkUnsigned
boolean isH5
List<E> groupList
HObject newObject
FileFormat fileFormat
Toolkit toolkit
String fileType
String currentDir
String viewDir
boolean fileCreated
List<E> fileList
Toolkit toolkit
JFrame viewer
boolean isH5
boolean isH4
Toolkit toolkit
JTextField nameField
JTextField compactField
JTextField indexedField
JComboBox<E> parentChoice
JComboBox<E> orderFlags
JCheckBox useCreationOrder
JCheckBox setLinkStorage
JButton creationOrderHelpButton
JButton storageTypeHelpButton
JButton moreButton
List<E> groupList
HObject newObject
FileFormat fileFormat
int creationOrder
boolean isH5
JPanel useCreationOrderJPanel
JPanel setLinkStorageJPanel
JPanel labelPanel
JPanel textPanel
JPanel contentPane
JTextField nameField
JTextField widthField
JTextField heightField
JComboBox<E> parentChoice
JRadioButton checkIndex
JRadioButton checkTrueColor
JRadioButton checkInterlacePixel
JRadioButton checkInterlacePlane
List<E> groupList
boolean isH5
HObject newObject
FileFormat fileFormat
Toolkit toolkit
JTextField nameField
JComboBox<E> parentChoice
JComboBox<E> targetObject
String currentDir
JTextField targetFile
JButton targetFileButton
JRadioButton hardLink
JRadioButton softLink
JRadioButton externalLink
JCheckBox checkUnsigned
List<E> groupList
List<E> objList
HObject newObject
FileFormat fileFormat
Toolkit toolkit
ViewManager viewer
List<E> fileList
FileFormat fileformat
JComboBox<E> parentChoice
JComboBox<E> nFieldBox
JComboBox<E> templateChoice
Vector<E> groupList
Vector<E> compoundDSList
HObject newObject
Toolkit toolkit
int numberOfMembers
JTable table
DefaultTableModel tableModel
hdf.view.NewTableDataDialog.RowEditorModel rowEditorModel
DefaultCellEditor cellEditor
JTextField nameField
JTextField currentSizeField
JTextField maxSizeField
JTextField chunkSizeField
JComboBox<E> compressionLevel
JComboBox<E> rankChoice
JComboBox<E> memberTypeChoice
JCheckBox checkCompression
JRadioButton checkContinguous
JRadioButton checkChunked
JFrame viewer
String H4toH5Path
JTextField H4toH5Field
JTextField UGField
JTextField workField
JTextField fileExtField
JTextField maxMemberField
JTextField startMemberField
JComboBox<E> fontSizeChoice
JComboBox<E> fontTypeChoice
JComboBox<E> delimiterChoice
JComboBox<E> imageOriginChoice
JComboBox<E> indexBaseChoice
JComboBox<E> choiceTreeView
JComboBox<E> choiceMetaDataView
JComboBox<E> choiceTextView
JComboBox<E> choiceTableView
JComboBox<E> choiceImageView
JComboBox<E> choicePaletteView
String rootDir
String workDir
JCheckBox checkCurrentUserDir
JCheckBox checkAutoContrast
JCheckBox checkConvertEnum
JCheckBox checkShowValues
JCheckBox checkShowRegRefValues
JButton currentDirButton
JRadioButton checkReadOnly
JRadioButton checkIndexType
JRadioButton checkIndexOrder
JRadioButton checkIndexNative
JRadioButton checkLibVersion
JRadioButton checkReadAll
int fontSize
boolean isFontChanged
boolean isUserGuideChanged
boolean isWorkDirChanged
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