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accept(File) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Return true if this file should be shown in the directory pane, false if it shouldn't.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.Chart
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultMetaDataView
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.FileConversionDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.MathConversionDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewAttributeDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatasetDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatatypeDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewImageDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewLinkDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewTableDataDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.UserOptionsDialog
addAttribute(HObject) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultMetaDataView
add an attribute to a data object.
addAttribute(HObject) - Method in interface hdf.view.MetaDataView
Add an attribute to a data object.
addDataView(DataView) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
data content is displayed, and add the dataview to the main windows
addDataView(DataView) - Method in interface hdf.view.ViewManager
Data content is displayed, add the dataview to the main windows
addExtension(String) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Adds a filetype "dot" extension to filter against.
addFileExtension(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Adds file extension(s) to the list of file extensions for supported file formats.
addFileFormat(String, FileFormat) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Adds a FileFormat with specified key to the list of supported formats.
addFilteredImageValue(Number) - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Add a value that will be filtered out in an image.
addObject(HObject, Group) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Adds a new data object to the file.
addObject(HObject, Group) - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
Adds a new data object to the file.
addToMemberList(HObject) - Method in class hdf.object.Group
Adds an object to the member list of this group in memory.
allocateArray(int, int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
Allocate a 1D array large enough to hold a multidimensional array of 'datasize' elements of 'datatype' numbers.
allocateArray(int, int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Allocates a one-dimensional array of byte, short, int, long, float, double, or String to store data in memory.
applyBitmask(Object, BitSet, ViewProperties.BITMASK_OP) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Apply bitmask to a data array.
Attribute - Class in hdf.object
An attribute is a (name, value) pair of metadata attached to a primary data object such as a dataset, group or named datatype.
Attribute(String, Datatype, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Attribute
Create an attribute with specified name, data type and dimension sizes.
Attribute(String, Datatype, long[], Object) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Attribute
Create an attribute with specific name and value.
attributeList - Variable in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
The list of attributes of this data object.
autoContrastApply(Object, Object, double[], double[], boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Apply autocontrast parameters to the original data in place (destructive)
autoContrastCompute(Object, double[], boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Computes autocontrast parameters (gain equates to contrast and bias equates to brightness) for integers.
autoContrastComputeMinMax(Object, double[]) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Computes autocontrast parameters by
autoContrastConvertImageBuffer(Object, byte[], boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Converts image raw data to bytes.


baseType - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The base datatype of every element of the array (for CLASS_ARRAY datatype).
byteToString(byte[], int) - Static method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Converts an array of bytes into an array of Strings for a fixed string dataset.


changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewLinkDialog
Chart - Class in hdf.view
ChartView displays histogram/line chart of selected row/column of table data or image.
Chart(Frame, String, int, double[][], double[], double[]) - Constructor for class hdf.view.Chart
Constructs a new ChartView given data and data ranges.
chartP - Variable in class hdf.view.Chart
Panel that draws plot of data values.
checkNewFile(String, String) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Check and find a non-exist file.
chunkSize - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The array of dimension sizes for a chunk.
CLASS_ARRAY - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_BITFIELD - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_CHAR - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_COMPOUND - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_ENUM - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_FLOAT - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_INTEGER - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_NO_CLASS - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_OPAQUE - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_REFERENCE - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_STRING - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_TIME - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
CLASS_VLEN - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
clear() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Clears memory held by the dataset, such as the data buffer.
clear() - Method in class hdf.object.Group
Clears up member list and other resources in memory for the group.
clear() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
clear() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
clear() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
clearData() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Clears the current data buffer in memory and forces the next read() to load the data from file.
clearData() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Closes a datatype identifier.
close() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Closes file associated with this instance.
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
close() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
close group access.
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Closes a datatype identifier.
close() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Closes file associated with this H5File instance.
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
close(int) - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Closes access to the object.
closeFile(FileFormat) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Close a file
closeFile(FileFormat) - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
close a file
CompoundDS - Class in hdf.object
A CompoundDS is a dataset with compound datatype.
CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Constructs a CompoundDS object with the given file, dataset name and path.
CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Not for public use in the future.
Using CompoundDS.CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String)
compoundMemberFieldIDs - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The list of field IDs of members of a compound Datatype.
compoundMemberNames - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The list of names of members of a compound Datatype.
compoundMemberOffsets - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The list of offsets of members of a compound Datatype.
compoundMemberTypes - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The list of types of members of a compound Datatype
compression - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The compression information.
compression_gzip_txt - Static variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
computeStatistics(Object, double[], Object) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Computes mean and standard deviation of a data array
convertByteToString - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
Flag to indicate if the byte[] array is converted to strings
convertedBuf - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The array that holds the converted data of unsigned C-type integers.
convertEnumNameToValue(int, String[], int[]) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Converts names in an Enumeration Datatype to values.
convertEnumValueToName(int, Object, String[]) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Converts values in an Enumeration Datatype to names.
convertFromUnsignedC(Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Not for public use in the future.
Using Dataset.convertFromUnsignedC(Object, Object)
convertFromUnsignedC(Object, Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Converts one-dimension array of unsigned C-type integers to a new array of appropriate Java integer in memory.
convertFromUnsignedC() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Converts the data values of this dataset to appropriate Java integer if they are unsigned integers.
convertImageToHDF(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Converts an image file into HDF4/5 file.
convertToUnsignedC(Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Not for public use in the future.
Using Dataset.convertToUnsignedC(Object, Object)
convertToUnsignedC(Object, Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Converts the array of converted unsigned integers back to unsigned C-type integer data in memory.
convertToUnsignedC() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Converts Java integer data of this dataset back to unsigned C-type integer data if they are unsigned integers.
copy(Group, String, long[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Not implemented for compound dataset.
copy(Group, String, long[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Creates a new dataset and writes the data buffer to the new dataset.
copy(HObject, Group, String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Copies the source object to a new destination.
copy(HObject, Group) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
As of 2.4, replaced by FileFormat.copy(HObject, Group, String)

To mimic the behavior originally provided by this method, call the replacement method with null as the 3rd parameter.

copy(HObject, Group, String) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Copy an object to a group.
copy(Group, String, long[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
copy(Group, String, long[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
copy(Group, String, long[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
copy(HObject, Group, String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
copy(Group, String, long[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
copyAttributes(HObject, HObject) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Copies the attributes of one object to another object.
copyAttributes(int, int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Copies the attributes of one object to another object.
CREATE - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
File access flag for creating/truncating with read-write permission.
create(String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
As of 2.4, replaced by FileFormat.createFile(String, int)

The replacement method has an additional parameter that controls the behavior if the file already exists. Use FileFormat.FILE_CREATE_DELETE as the second argument in the replacement method to mimic the behavior originally provided by this method.

create(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, int, int, Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
Creates a new image.
create(String, Group) - Static method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
Creates a new group.
create(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, Object, Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
Creates a new dataset.
create(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
create(String, Group, long[], String[], Datatype[], int[], Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
create(String, Group, long[], String[], Datatype[], int[], long[][], Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
create(String, Group, long[], long[], long[], int, String[], Datatype[], int[], long[][], Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
Creates a simple compound dataset in a file with/without chunking and compression.
create(String, Group, int...) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
Creates a new group with a name in a group and with the group creation properties specified in gplist.
create(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
create(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, Object, Object) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
Creates a scalar dataset in a file with/without chunking and compression.
createCompoundDS(String, Group, long[], long[], long[], int, String[], Datatype[], int[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a new compound dataset in a file with/without chunking and compression.
createCompoundDS(String, Group, long[], String[], Datatype[], int[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
As of 2.4, replaced by FileFormat.createCompoundDS(String, Group, long[], long[], long[], int, String[], Datatype[], int[], Object)

The replacement method has additional parameters: maxdims, chunks, and gzip. To mimic the behavior originally provided by this method, call the replacement method with the following parameter list: ( name, pgroup, dims, null, null, -1, memberNames, memberDatatypes, memberSizes, data );

createCompoundDS(String, Group, long[], long[], long[], int, String[], Datatype[], int[], Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a named datatype in a file.
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, Datatype, String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a named datatype in a file.
createDatatype(int, int, int, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a new datatype in memory.
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, Datatype) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a new datatype in memory.
createDatatype(int, int, int, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, Datatype) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, Datatype, String) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, Datatype, String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
createDatatype(int, int, int, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Methods related to Datatypes and HObjects in HDF5 Files.
createDatatype(int, int, int, int, Datatype) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
createFile(String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a file with the specified name and returns a new FileFormat implementation instance associated with the file.
createFile(String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Creates an HDF4 file with the specified name and returns a new H4File instance associated with the file.
createFile(String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Creates an HDF5 file with the specified name and returns a new H5File instance associated with the file.
createGcpl(int, int, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates the group creation property list identifier, gcpl.
createGcpl(int, int, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Creates the group creation property list identifier, gcpl.
createGrayPalette() - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Creates the gray palette of the indexed 256-color table.
createGrayWavePalette() - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Creates the gray wave palette of the indexed 256-color table.
createGroup(String, Group) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a new group with specified name in existing group.
createGroup(String, Group, int...) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a new group with specified name in existing group.
createGroup(String, Group) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
createGroup(String, Group) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Creates a new group with specified name in existing group.
createGroup(String, Group, int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Creates a new group with specified name in existing group and with the group creation properties list, gplist.
createImage(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, int, int, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a new image in a file.
createImage(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, int, int, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
createImage(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, int, int, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
createIndexedImage(BufferedImage, byte[], byte[][], int, int) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Creates a RGB indexed image of 256 colors.
createInstance(String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a FileFormat implementation instance with specified filename and access.
createInstance(String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Creates an H4File instance with specified file name and access.
createInstance(String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Creates an H5File instance with specified file name and access.
createLink(Group, String, HObject, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a soft, hard or external link to an existing object in the open file.
createLink(Group, String, String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a soft or external link to an object in a file that does not exist at the time the link is created.
createLink(Group, String, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a link to an existing object in the open file.
createLink(Group, String, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
createLink(Group, String, HObject, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Creates a link to an object in the open file.
createLink(Group, String, String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Creates a soft or external link to object in a file that does not exist at the time the link is created.
createNaturePalette() - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Creates the nature palette of the indexed 256-color table.
createRainbowPalette() - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Creates the rainbow palette of the indexed 256-color table.
createReverseGrayPalette() - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Creates the reverse gray palette of the indexed 256-color table.
createScalarDS(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, Object, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a new dataset in a file with/without chunking/compression.
createScalarDS(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
createScalarDS(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, Object, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
createScalarDS(String, Group, Datatype, long[], long[], long[], int, Object, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
createTrueColorImage(byte[], boolean, int, int) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Creates a true color image.
createUI() - Method in class hdf.view.Chart
Creates and layouts GUI components.
createWavePalette() - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Creates the wave palette of the indexed 256-color table.
CRT_ORDER_INDEXED - Static variable in class hdf.object.Group
CRT_ORDER_TRACKED - Static variable in class hdf.object.Group


data - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The memory buffer that holds the raw data of the dataset.
data - Variable in class hdf.view.Chart
the data values of line points or histogram
DataFormat - Interface in hdf.object
An interface that provides general I/O operations for read/write object data.
DataOptionDialog - Class in hdf.view
DataOptionDialog is an dialog window used to select display options.
DataOptionDialog(ViewManager, Dataset) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
Constructs a DataOptionDialog with the given HDFView.
Dataset - Class in hdf.object
The abstract class provides general APIs to create and manipulate dataset objects, and retrieve dataset properties, datatype and dimension sizes.
Dataset(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Dataset
Constructs a Dataset object with a given file, name and path.
Dataset(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Dataset
Not for public use in the future.
Using Dataset.Dataset(FileFormat, String, String)
datatype - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The datatype object of the dataset.
Datatype - Class in hdf.object
Datatype is an abstract class that defines datatype characteristics and APIs for a data type.
Datatype(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Datatype
Constructs a named datatype with a given file, name and path.
Datatype(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Datatype
Not for public use in the future.
Using Datatype.Datatype(FileFormat, String, String)
Datatype(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Datatype
Constructs a Datatype with specified class, size, byte order and sign.
Datatype(int, int, int, int, Datatype) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Datatype
Constructs a Datatype with specified class, size, byte order and sign.
Datatype(int) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Datatype
Constructs a Datatype with a given native datatype identifier.
datatypeClass - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The class of the datatype.
datatypeOrder - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The byte order of the datatype.
datatypeSign - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The sign of the datatype.
datatypeSize - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The size (in bytes) of the datatype.
DataView - Interface in hdf.view
The data view interface for displaying data objects
DATAVIEW_IMAGE - Static variable in interface hdf.view.DataView
The image view type
DATAVIEW_TABLE - Static variable in interface hdf.view.DataView
The table view type
DATAVIEW_TEXT - Static variable in interface hdf.view.DataView
The text view type
DATAVIEW_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface hdf.view.DataView
The unknown view type
debug(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Print out debug information
debug(Object, Object) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Print out debug information
DEFAULT_STRING_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH - Static variable in class hdf.view.NewAttributeDialog
the default length of a string attribute
DefaultFileFilter - Class in hdf.view
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
DefaultFileFilter() - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Creates a file filter.
DefaultFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts files with the given extension.
DefaultFileFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
DefaultFileFilter(String[]) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array.
DefaultFileFilter(String[], String) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.
DefaultImageView - Class in hdf.view
ImageView displays an HDF dataset as an image.
DefaultImageView(ViewManager) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
Constructs an ImageView.
DefaultImageView(ViewManager, HashMap) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
Constructs an ImageView.
DefaultMetaDataView - Class in hdf.view
DefaultMetadataView is an dialog window used to show data properties.
DefaultMetaDataView(ViewManager) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultMetaDataView
Constructs a DefaultMetadataView with the given HDFView.
DefaultPaletteView - Class in hdf.view
Displays a dialog for viewing and change palettes.
DefaultPaletteView(ImageView) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
DefaultPaletteView(ViewManager, ImageView) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
DefaultTableView - Class in hdf.view
TableView displays an HDF dataset as a two-dimensional table.
DefaultTableView(ViewManager) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
Constructs a TableView.
DefaultTableView(ViewManager, HashMap) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
Constructs a TableView.
DefaultTextView - Class in hdf.view
TextView displays an HDF string dataset in text.
DefaultTextView(ViewManager) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
DefaultTextView(ViewManager, HashMap) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
Constructs a TextView.
DefaultTreeView - Class in hdf.view
TreeView defines APIs for opening files and displaying the file structure in a tree structure.
DefaultTreeView(ViewManager) - Constructor for class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
delete(HObject) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Deletes an object from a file.
delete(HObject) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Delete an object from the file.
delete(HObject) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
deleteAttribute(HObject) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultMetaDataView
delete an attribute from a data object.
deleteAttribute(HObject) - Method in interface hdf.view.MetaDataView
Delete an attribute from a data object.
DELIMITER_COLON - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
name of the tab delimiter
DELIMITER_COMMA - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
name of the tab delimiter
DELIMITER_SEMI_COLON - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
name of the tab delimiter
DELIMITER_SPACE - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
name of the tab delimiter
DELIMITER_TAB - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
name of the tab delimiter
DFTAG_NDG_NETCDF - Static variable in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
tag for netCDF datasets.
dimNames - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
Array of strings that represent the dimension names.
dims - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The current dimension sizes of the dataset
dims - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The dimensions of the ARRAY element of an ARRAY datatype.
dispose() - Method in interface hdf.view.DataView
Disposes this datao viewer
dispose() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
dispose() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultMetaDataView
Disposes of this dataobserver.
dispose() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
dispose() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
dispose() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
dispose() - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView


enumConverted - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
Flag to indicate if the enum data is converted to strings.
enumMembers - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The (name, value) pairs of enum members.
equals(HObject) - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns whether this HObject is equal to the specified HObject by comparing their OIDs.
equalsOID(long[]) - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Checks if the OID of the object is the same as the given object identifier within the same file.
exportDataset(String, String, String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Export dataset.
exportDataset(String, String, String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Export dataset.
extend(long[]) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
H5Dset_extent verifies that the dataset is at least of size size, extending it if necessary.


fid - Variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
File identifier.
FILE_CREATE_DELETE - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Flag for creating/truncating a file.
FILE_CREATE_EARLY_LIB - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Flag to indicate if the earliest version of library is used when creating a new file.
FILE_CREATE_OPEN - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Flag for creating/opening a file.
FILE_OBJ_SEP - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
A separator that separates file name and object name.
FILE_TYPE_BMP - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
Key for BMP image file type.
FILE_TYPE_GIF - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
Key for GIF image file type.
FILE_TYPE_HDF4 - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Key for HDF4 file format.
FILE_TYPE_HDF5 - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Key for HDF5 file format.
FILE_TYPE_IMAGE - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
Key for all image file type.
FILE_TYPE_JPEG - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
Key for JPEG image file type.
FILE_TYPE_PNG - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
Key for PNG image file type.
FILE_TYPE_TIFF - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
Key for TIFF image file type.
FileConversionDialog - Class in hdf.view
FileConversionDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for converting files.
FileConversionDialog(Frame, String, String, String, List) - Constructor for class hdf.view.FileConversionDialog
Constructs a FileConversionDialog
FileFormat - Class in hdf.object
FileFormat defines general interfaces for working with files whose data is organized according to a supported format.
FileFormat(String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a new FileFormat instance with the given filename.
fileFormat - Variable in class hdf.object.HObject
The file which contains the object
fillValue - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
The fill value of the dataset.
filters - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The filters information.
findDataDist(Object, int[], double[]) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Finds the distribution of data values
findMinMax(Object, double[], Object) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Finds the min and max values of the data array
findObject(FileFormat, long[]) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Finds an object by its object ID
findObject(FileFormat, String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Finds an object by the full path of the object (path+name)
findTreeNode(HObject) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Returns the tree node that contains the given data object.
findTreeNode(HObject) - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
fireActionPerformed(String) - Method in class hdf.view.NewFileDialog
FLIP_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
Horizontal direction to flip an image.
FLIP_VERTICAL - Static variable in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
Vertical direction to flip an image.
fromNative(int) - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Set datatype characteristics (class, size, byte order and sign) from a given datatype identifier.
fromNative(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
fromNative(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
fullFileName - Variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
The absolute pathname (path+name) of the file.


get(String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Gets the HObject with the specified path from the file.
get(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Get an individual HObject with a given path.
get(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
getActionCommand() - Method in interface hdf.view.HelpView
getAnimationIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getAppsIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getArrayDims() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Returns the dimensions of an Array Datatype.
getAttribute(int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Returns a list of attributes for the specified object.
getAttribute(int, int, int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Returns a list of attributes for the specified object, in creation or alphabetical order.
getAttribute() - Method in class hdf.view.NewAttributeDialog
getAudioIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getAutocontrastIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getBasetype() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Returns the datatype of array elements for an ARRAY datatype.
getBitmask() - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
Returns the bitmask.
getBlankIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getBrightIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getBytes(Object, double[], int, int, boolean, byte[]) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Convert an array of raw data into array of a byte data.
getBytes(Object, double[], int, int, boolean, List<Number>, byte[]) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
getBytes(Object, double[], int, int, boolean, List<Number>, boolean, byte[]) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
getBytes(Object, double[], int, int, boolean, List<Number>, boolean, byte[], List<Integer>) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Convert an array of raw data into array of a byte data.
getChartIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getChunkSize() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the array that contains the dimension sizes of the chunk of the dataset.
getComponentCount() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
Returns the number of components of this image data.
getCompoundMemberNames() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
getCompoundMemberTypes() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
getCompression() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the string representation of compression information.
getConvertByteToString() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the flag that indicates if a byte array is converted to a string array.
getConvertedFile() - Method in class hdf.view.FileConversionDialog
getCopyIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getCurrentFiles() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
getCurrentFiles() - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
getCurrentObject() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
getCurrentObject() - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
getCutIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getData() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the data buffer of the dataset in memory.
getDataDelimiter() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getDataDims() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Returns the dimension sizes of the data value of the attribute.
getDataObject() - Method in interface hdf.view.DataView
getDataObject() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
getDataObject() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultMetaDataView
returns the data object displayed in this data viewer
getDataObject() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
returns the data object displayed in this data viewer
getDataObject() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
getDataObject() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
getDatasetIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getDatasetIconA() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getDatatype() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the datatype object of the dataset.
getDatatype() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
getDatatype() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
getDatatype() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
getDatatype() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
getDatatype() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
getDatatypeClass() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Returns the class of the datatype.
getDatatypeDescription() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Returns a short text description of this datatype.
getDatatypeDescription() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
getDatatypeDescription(int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
Returns the short description of a given datatype.
getDatatypeDescription() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
getDatatypeDescription(int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Returns a short description of a given datatype ID.
getDatatypeIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getDatatypeIconA() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getDatatypeOrder() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Returns the byte order of the datatype.
getDatatypeSign() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Returns the sign (SIGN_NONE, SIGN_2 or NSGN) of an integer datatype.
getDatatypeSize() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Returns the size of the datatype in bytes.
getDatatypeSize(int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Returns the size (in bytes) of a given datatype identifier.
getDataView(HObject) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
Returns DataView contains the specified data object.
getDataView(HObject) - Method in interface hdf.view.ViewManager
Returns DataView that contains the specified data object.
getDataViewName() - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
Returns the name of selected dataview
getDataViews() - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
Returns a list of all open DataViews
getDescription() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getDimNames() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the array of strings that represent the dimension names.
getDims() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the array that contains the dimension sizes of the dataset.
getEnumMembers() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Returns the "name=value" pairs of enum members for enum datatype.
getExtension(File) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Return the extension portion of the file's name.
getFID() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns file identifier of open file associated with this instance.
getFID() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns the file identifier of of the file containing the object.
getFieldCount() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
Returns the number of fields.
getFieldOrders() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
Returns the orders of fields
getFile() - Method in interface hdf.object.DataFormat
Returns the full path of the file that contains this data object.
getFile() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns the name of the file that contains this data object.
getFile() - Method in class hdf.view.NewFileDialog
getFilecloseIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFileExtension() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFileExtensions() - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns a list of file extensions for all supported file formats.
getFileFilter() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterBinary() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterBMP() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterGIF() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterHDF4() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterHDF5() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterJPEG() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterPNG() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterText() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFilterTIFF() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getFileFormat(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns the FileFormat with specified key from the list of supported formats.
getFileFormat() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns the file that contains the object.
getFileFormatKeys() - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns an Enumeration of keys for all supported formats.
getFileFormats() - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns an array of supported FileFormat instances.
getFilenewIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFileopenIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFilePath() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns the absolute path for the file.
getFilesaveIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFillValue() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns the fill values for the dataset.
getFilteredImageValues() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Get a list of values that will be filtered out in an image.
getFilters() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the string representation of filter information.
getFirstIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFoldercloseIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFoldercloseIconA() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFolderopenIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFolderopenIconA() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFontSize() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFontType() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getFullName() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns the full name (group path + object name) of the object.
getGRAccessID() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Returns the GR identifier, which is returned from GRstart(fid).
getH4Icon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getH4IconR() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getH4toH5() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getH5Icon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getH5IconR() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getHDF5UserBlock(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Read HDF5 user block data into byte array.
getHdfIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getHeight() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the dimension size of the vertical axis.
getHelpIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getHelpViewList() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getHObject(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
As of 2.4, replaced by FileFormat.get(String)

This static method, which as been deprecated, causes two problems:

  • It can be very expensive if it is called many times or in a loop because each call to the method creates an instance of a file.
  • Since the method does not return the instance of the file, the file cannot be closed directly and may be left open (memory leak). The only way to close the file is through the object returned by this method.
getHObject(String, String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
As of 2.4, replaced by FileFormat.get(String)

This static method, which as been deprecated, causes two problems:

  • It can be very expensive if it is called many times or in a loop because each call to the method creates an instance of a file.
  • Since the method does not return the instance of the file, the file cannot be closed directly and may be left open (memory leak). The only way to close the file is through the object returned by this method, for example:
     Dataset dset = H5File.getObject("hdf5_test.h5", "/images/iceburg");
     // close the file through dset
getImage() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
getImage() - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
getImageByteData() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
getImageByteData() - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
getImageDataRange() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns the (min, max) pair of image data range.
getImageFileFilter() - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
getImageIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getImageIconA() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getImageOrigin() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getImageViewList() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getIndexOrder(String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
getIndexOrder(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
getIndexOrder() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
getIndexOrder() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getIndexOrderValue(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
getIndexOrderValue(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
getIndexType(String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
getIndexType(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
getIndexType() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
getIndexType() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getIndexTypeValue(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
getIndexTypeValue(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
getInstance(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Creates a FileFormat instance for the specified file.
getInterlace() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns the interlace mode of a true color image (RGB).
getLabel() - Method in interface hdf.view.HelpView
getLargeHdfIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getLastIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getLibBounds() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Gets the bounds of library versions
getLibBounds() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Gets the bounds of library versions.
getLibversion() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns the version of the library for the implementing FileFormat class.
getLibversion() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Returns the version of the HDF4 library.
getLibversion() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Returns the version of the HDF5 library.
getLinkIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getLinkTargetName(HObject) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Retrieves the name of the target object that is being linked to.
getLinkTargetObjName() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns the name of the target object that is linked to.
getListOfImageView() - Static method in class hdf.view.HDFView
getListOfMetaDataView() - Static method in class hdf.view.HDFView
getListOfPaletteView() - Static method in class hdf.view.HDFView
getListOfTableView() - Static method in class hdf.view.HDFView
getListOfTextView() - Static method in class hdf.view.HDFView
getListOfTreeView() - Static method in class hdf.view.HDFView
getMaxDims() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the array that contains the max dimension sizes of the dataset.
getMaxMembers() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns the maximum number of objects that can be loaded into memory.
getMaxMembers() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Current Java applications such as HDFView cannot handle files with large number of objects such as 1,000,000 objects.
getMaxRecentFiles() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getMemberCount() - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns the number of members of the compound dataset.
getMemberDims(int) - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns the dimension sizes of the i-th member.
getMemberList() - Method in class hdf.object.Group
Returns the list of members of this group.
getMemberNames() - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns the names of the members of the compound dataset.
getMemberOrders() - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns array containing the total number of elements of the members of the compound dataset.
getMemberTypes() - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns an array of datatype objects of compound members.
getMetadata() - Method in interface hdf.object.DataFormat
Retrieves the metadata such as attributes from file.
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
getMetadata() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
getMetadata(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
getMetaDataViewList() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getMRF() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getName() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Returns the name of the attribute.
getName() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns the name of the object.
getNextIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getNumberOfMembers() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns the number of objects in memory.
getNumberOfMembersInFile() - Method in class hdf.object.Group
Returns the total number of members of this group in file.
getNumberOfMembersInFile() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
getObject() - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatasetDialog
getObject() - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatatypeDialog
getObject() - Method in class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog
Returns the new group created.
getObject() - Method in class hdf.view.NewImageDialog
Returns the new dataset created.
getObject() - Method in class hdf.view.NewLinkDialog
Returns the new dataset created.
getObject() - Method in class hdf.view.NewTableDataDialog
Returns the new dataset created.
getOID() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns a cloned copy of the object identifier.
getOriginalClass() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Get Class of the original data buffer if converted.
getPalette() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
getPalette() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
getPalette() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
getPalette() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns the palette of this scalar dataset or null if palette does not exist.
getPalette() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
getPalette() - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
getPaletteIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getPaletteList() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getPaletteName(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
getPaletteName(int) - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Get the name of a specific image palette from file.
getPaletteRefs() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
getPaletteRefs() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
getPaletteRefs() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
getPaletteRefs() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns the byte array of palette refs.
getPaletteViewList() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getParent() - Method in class hdf.object.Group
getParentGroup() - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatasetDialog
getParentGroup() - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatatypeDialog
getParentGroup() - Method in class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog
Returns the parent group of the new group.
getParentGroup() - Method in class hdf.view.NewImageDialog
Returns the parent group of the new dataset.
getParentGroup() - Method in class hdf.view.NewLinkDialog
Returns the parent group of the new dataset.
getParentGroup() - Method in class hdf.view.NewTableDataDialog
Returns the parent group of the new dataset.
getPasteIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getPath() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns the group path of the object.
getPdfIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getPreviousIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getProperty(String) - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
get a property for a given key.
getPropertyFile() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getPropertyKeys() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
get all property keys.
getQuestionIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getRank() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Returns the rank (number of dimensions) of the attribute.
getRank() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the rank (number of dimensions) of the dataset.
getRecordCount() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
Returns the number of records.
getRootNode() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns the root node for the file associated with this instance.
getRootNode() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
getRootNode() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Returns the root node of the open HDF5 File.
getSDAccessID() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Returns the SDS identifier, which is returned from SDstart(fname, flag).
getSelectedArea() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
returns the selected area of the image
getSelectedArea() - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
Returns the selected area of the image
getSelectedData() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
Returns the selected data values.
getSelectedData() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
Returns the selected data values.
getSelectedData() - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
getSelectedData() - Method in interface hdf.view.TableView
getSelectedDims() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the dimension sizes of the selected subset.
getSelectedFile() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Gets the selected file.
getSelectedFile() - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
Gets the selected the file.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the indices of display order.
getSelectedMemberCount() - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns the number of selected members of the compound dataset.
getSelectedMemberOrders() - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns array containing the total number of elements of the selected members of the compound dataset.
getSelectedMemberTypes() - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns an array of datatype objects of selected compound members.
getSelectedObjects() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Gets a list of selected object in the tree.
getSelectedObjects() - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
Gets a list of selected objects in the tree.
getSize(int) - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the size in bytes of a given datatype.
getSize(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
getSrbAccount() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getStartDims() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the starting position of a selected subset.
getStartMembers() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns the index of the starting object to be loaded into memory.
getStartMembers() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Current Java applications such as HDFView cannot handle files with large number of objects such as 1,000,000 objects.
getStorage() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the string representation of storage information.
getStorageLayout() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the string representation of storage layout information.
getStride() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the selectedStride of the selected dataset.
getTable() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
getTable() - Method in interface hdf.view.TableView
getTableIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getTableIconA() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getTableViewList() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getText() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
getText() - Method in interface hdf.view.TextView
Returns an array of the text in this textview
getTextIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getTextIconA() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getTextViewList() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getTree() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
getTree() - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
Returns the JTree which holds the file structure.
getTreeView() - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
getTreeView() - Method in interface hdf.view.ViewManager
getTreeViewList() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getType() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Returns the datatype of the attribute.
getUrlIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getUsersGuide() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getValue() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Returns the value of the attribute.
getValue() - Method in interface hdf.object.Metadata
Returns the value of this Metadata.
getVideoIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getViewRoot() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getWidth() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Returns the dimension size of the horizontal axis.
getWorkDir() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getXlsIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getZoominIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
getZoomoutIcon() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Group - Class in hdf.object
Group is an abstract class.
Group(FileFormat, String, String, Group) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Group
Constructs an instance of the group with specific name, path and parent group.
Group(FileFormat, String, String, Group, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.Group
Not for public use in the future.
Using Group.Group(FileFormat, String, String, Group)


H4Datatype - Class in hdf.object.h4
This class defines HDF4 data type characteristics and APIs for a data type.
H4Datatype(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
Constructs a H4Datatype with specified class, size, byte order and sign.
H4Datatype(int) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
Constructs a H4Datatype with a given native datatype identifier.
H4File - Class in hdf.object.h4
This class provides file level APIs.
H4File() - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Creates an H4File with read only access.
H4File(String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Creates an H4File with read only access.
H4File(String, int) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Creates an H4File instance with specified file name and access.
H4GRImage - Class in hdf.object.h4
H4GRImage describes an HDF4 general raster(GR) image and operations performed on the GR image.
H4GRImage(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
H4GRImage(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
Creates a H4GRImage object with specific name, path, and object ID.
H4Group - Class in hdf.object.h4
An H4Group is a vgroup in HDF4, inheriting from Group.
H4Group(FileFormat, String, String, Group) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
H4Group(FileFormat, String, String, Group, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
Creates a group object with specific name, path, and parent.
H4SDS - Class in hdf.object.h4
H4SDS describes HDF4 Scientific Data Sets (SDS) and operations performed on the SDS.
H4SDS(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
H4SDS(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
Creates an H4SDS object with specific name and path.
H4Vdata - Class in hdf.object.h4
H4Vdata describes a multi-dimension array of HDF4 vdata, inheriting CompoundDS.
H4Vdata(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
H4Vdata(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
Creates an H4Vdata object with specific name and path.
H5CompoundDS - Class in hdf.object.h5
The H5CompoundDS class defines an HDF5 dataset of compound datatypes.
H5CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
Constructs an instance of a HDF5 compound dataset with given file, dataset name and path.
H5CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
Not for public use in the future.
Using H5CompoundDS.H5CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String)
H5Datatype - Class in hdf.object.h5
This class defines HDF5 datatype characteristics and APIs for a data type.
H5Datatype(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Constructs an named HDF5 data type object for a given file, dataset name and group path.
H5Datatype(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Not for public use in the future.
Using H5Datatype.H5Datatype(FileFormat, String, String)
H5Datatype(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Constructs a Datatype with specified class, size, byte order and sign.
H5Datatype(int, int, int, int, Datatype) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Constructs a Datatype with specified class, size, byte order and sign.
H5Datatype(int) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Constructs a Datatype with a given native datatype identifier.
H5File - Class in hdf.object.h5
H5File is an implementation of the FileFormat class for HDF5 files.
H5File() - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Constructs an H5File instance with an empty file name and read-only access.
H5File(String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Constructs an H5File instance with specified file name and read/write access.
H5File(String, int) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Constructs an H5File instance with specified file name and access.
H5Group - Class in hdf.object.h5
An H5Group object represents an existing HDF5 group in file.
H5Group(FileFormat, String, String, Group) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
Constructs an HDF5 group with specific name, path, and parent.
H5Group(FileFormat, String, String, Group, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
Not for public use in the future.
Using H5Group.H5Group(FileFormat, String, String, Group)
H5Link - Class in hdf.object.h5
An H5Link object represents an existing HDF5 object in file.
H5Link(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
Constructs an HDF5 link with specific name, path, and parent.
H5Link(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
H5ScalarDS - Class in hdf.object.h5
H5ScalarDS describes a multi-dimension array of HDF5 scalar or atomic data types, such as byte, int, short, long, float, double and string, and operations performed on the scalar dataset.
H5ScalarDS(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
Constructs an instance of a H5 scalar dataset with given file, dataset name and path.
H5ScalarDS(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
Not for public use in the future.
Using H5ScalarDS.H5ScalarDS(FileFormat, String, String)
hasAlpha(Image) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
This method returns true if the specified image has transparent pixels.
hasAttribute() - Method in interface hdf.object.DataFormat
Check if the object has any attributes attached.
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
hasAttribute() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
hdf.object - package hdf.object
hdf.object.h4 - package hdf.object.h4
hdf.object.h5 - package hdf.object.h5
hdf.view - package hdf.view
HDFView - Class in hdf.view
HDFView is the main class of this HDF visual tool.
HDFView(String, List<File>, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class hdf.view.HDFView
Constructs HDFView with a given root directory, where the HDFView is installed, and opens the given files in the viewer.
HelpView - Interface in hdf.view
The helpview interface for displaying user help information
HEXCHARS - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
HISTOGRAM - Static variable in class hdf.view.Chart
histogram style chart
HObject - Class in hdf.object
The HObject class is the root class of all the HDF data objects.
HObject() - Constructor for class hdf.object.HObject
Constructs an instance of a data object without name and path.
HObject(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.HObject
Constructs an instance of a data object with specific name and path.
HObject(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.HObject
hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewAttributeDialog
hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatasetDialog


imageDataRange - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
The min-max range of image data values.
ImageView - Interface in hdf.view
The image view interface for displaying image object
init() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Retrieves datatype and dataspace information from file and sets the dataset in memory.
init() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
init() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
Initializes the H4SDS such as dimension size of this dataset.
init() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
Initializes the H4Vdata such as dimension sizes of this dataset.
init() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
init() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
insertString(int, String, AttributeSet) - Method in class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog.JTextFieldLimit
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewLinkDialog
interlace - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
The interlace mode of the stored raster image data.
INTERLACE_LINE - Static variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Indicates that each pixel component of RGB is stored as a scan line.
INTERLACE_PIXEL - Static variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Indicates that the pixel RGB values are contiguous.
INTERLACE_PLANE - Static variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Indicates that each pixel component of RGB is stored as a plane.
isApplyBitmaskOnly() - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
Check if it only apply bitmask.
isAutoContrast() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Returns true if auto contrast is used in image processing.
isCancelled() - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
Returns true if the data selection is cancelled.
isConverted() - Method in class hdf.view.MathConversionDialog
isConvertEnum() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
isDataLoaded - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
Flag to indicate if data values are loaded into memory.
isDefaultImageOrder - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Flag to indicate if the dataset is displayed as an image with default order of dimensions.
isDefaultImageOrder() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns true if this dataset is displayed as an image with default image order.
isDisplayTypeChar() - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
isEarlyLib() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Returns true if default lib version is the earliest.
isEnumConverted() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Get flag that indicate if enum data is converted to strings.
isExtensionListInDescription() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
isFileConverted() - Method in class hdf.view.FileConversionDialog
isFileCreated() - Method in class hdf.view.NewFileDialog
isFillValueConverted - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Flag to indicate if the FillValue is converted from unsigned C.
isFontChanged() - Method in class hdf.view.UserOptionsDialog
isHDF4(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
look at the first 4 bytes of the file to see if it is an HDF4 file.
isHDF5(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
look at the first 8 bytes of the file to see if it is an HDF5 file.
isImage - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
True if this dataset is an image.
isImage() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns true if this dataset is an image.
isImageDisplay - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Flag to indicate if the dataset is displayed as an image.
isImageDisplay() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns true if this dataset is displayed as an image.
isImageDisplay() - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
Returns true if the display option is image.
isIndexBase1() - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
isIndexBase1() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
isMemberSelected - Variable in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
The array to store flags to indicate if a member of this compound dataset is selected for read/write.
isMemberSelected(int) - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Checks if a member of the compound dataset is selected for read/write.
isNaNINF(double) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Check if a given number if NaN or INF.
isNetcdf(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
look at the first 4 bytes of the file to see if it is a netCDF file byte[0]=67, byte[1]=68, byte[2]=70, byte[3]=1 or
isPaletteChanged - Variable in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
isPlaneInterlace() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
isPlaneInterlace() - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
isReadOnly - Variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Flag indicating if the file access is read-only.
isReadOnly() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Returns true if the file access is read-only.
isReadOnly() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Returns true if default file access is read only.
isRoot() - Method in class hdf.object.Group
Checks if it is a root group.
isScalar - Variable in class hdf.object.Attribute
flag to indicate if the dataset is a single scalar point
isScalar() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
isString(int) - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Checks if a given datatype is a string.
isString(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
isText - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
True if this dataset is ASCII text.
isText() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns true if this dataset is ASCII text.
isThisType(FileFormat) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Checks if the class implements the specified FileFormat.
isThisType(String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Checks if the implementing FileFormat class matches the format of the specified file.
isThisType(FileFormat) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Checks if the given file format is an HDF4 file.
isThisType(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Checks if the given file is an HDF4 file or netCDF.
isThisType(FileFormat) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Checks if the specified FileFormat instance has the HDF5 format.
isThisType(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Checks if the specified file has the HDF5 format.
isTransposed() - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
isTrueColor - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
True if this dataset is a true color image.
isTrueColor() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
isTrueColor() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
isTrueColor() - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
isUnsigned() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Checks if the data type of this attribute is an unsigned integer.
isUnsigned() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Checks if this datatype is an unsigned integer.
isUnsigned() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
isUnsigned(int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
Checks if the datatype is an unsigned integer.
isUnsigned() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
isUnsigned(int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Checks if a datatype specified by the identifier is an unsigned integer.
isUnsigned - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Flag to indicate if the original C data is unsigned integer.
isUnsigned() - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Returns true if the original C data is unsigned integers.
isUserGuideChanged() - Method in class hdf.view.UserOptionsDialog
isVLEN - Variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
Determines whether this datatype is a variable-length type.
isVLEN() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Checks if this datatype is a variable-length type.
isVLEN() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Checks if a datatype is variable-length.
isWorkDirChanged() - Method in class hdf.view.UserOptionsDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DataOptionDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewAttributeDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatasetDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewDatatypeDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewImageDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewLinkDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewTableDataDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.UserOptionsDialog


JTextFieldLimit(int) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog.JTextFieldLimit
JTextFieldLimit(int, boolean) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog.JTextFieldLimit


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog
keys() - Method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog


launchBrowser(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Launch default browser for a given URL.
LINE_COLORS - Static variable in class hdf.view.Chart
The default colors of lines for selected columns
LINEPLOT - Static variable in class hdf.view.Chart
line style chart
LINK_TYPE_EXTERNAL - Static variable in class hdf.object.Group
LINK_TYPE_HARD - Static variable in class hdf.object.Group
LINK_TYPE_SOFT - Static variable in class hdf.object.Group
linkTargetObjName - Variable in class hdf.object.HObject
The name of the Target Object that is being linked to.
load() - Method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Load user properties from property file
loadExtClass() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
load module classes
loadIcons() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties


main(String[]) - Static method in class hdf.view.HDFView
The starting point of this application.
MathConversionDialog - Class in hdf.view
MathConversionDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for math conversion.
MathConversionDialog(JFrame, Object) - Constructor for class hdf.view.MathConversionDialog
Constructs MathConversionDialog.
MAX_INT16 - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
MAX_INT32 - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
MAX_INT64 - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
MAX_INT8 - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
MAX_RECENT_FILES - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
the maximum number of most recent files
MAX_UINT16 - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
MAX_UINT32 - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
MAX_UINT64 - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
MAX_UINT8 - Static variable in class hdf.view.Tools
maxDims - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The max dimension sizes of the dataset
memberDims - Variable in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
The dimension sizes of each member.
memberNames - Variable in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
The names of members of the compound dataset.
memberOrders - Variable in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Returns array containing the total number of elements of the members of this compound dataset.
memberTypes - Variable in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
The datatypes of compound members.
Metadata - Interface in hdf.object
Metadata is a general interface for metadata attached to data objects.
MetaDataView - Interface in hdf.view
The metadata view interface for displaying metadata information
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
mouseEventFired(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
Tree mouse event fired
mouseEventFired(MouseEvent) - Method in interface hdf.view.ViewManager
Tree mouse event fired
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView


NATIVE - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
The default definition for datatype size, order, and sign.
NewAttributeDialog - Class in hdf.view
NewAttributeDialog displays components for adding new attribute.
NewAttributeDialog(Dialog, HObject, Enumeration<?>) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewAttributeDialog
Constructs a NewAttributeDialog with specified object (dataset, group, or image) for the new attribute to be attached to.
NewDatasetDialog - Class in hdf.view
NewDatasetDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 dataset.
NewDatasetDialog(JFrame, Group, List<?>) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewDatasetDialog
Constructs a NewDatasetDialog with specified list of possible parent groups.
NewDatasetDialog(JFrame, Group, List<?>, DataView) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewDatasetDialog
Constructs NewDatasetDialog with specified list of possible parent groups.
NewDatatypeDialog - Class in hdf.view
NewDatatypeDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF5 datatype.
NewDatatypeDialog(JFrame, Group, List<?>) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewDatatypeDialog
Constructs a NewDatatypeDialog with specified list of possible parent groups.
NewFileDialog - Class in hdf.view
NewFileDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 file.
NewFileDialog(JFrame, String, String, List) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewFileDialog
constructs an NewFileDialog.
NewGroupDialog - Class in hdf.view
NewGroupDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 group.
NewGroupDialog(Frame, Group, List<?>) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewGroupDialog
Constructs a NewGroupDialog with specified list of possible parent groups.
NewGroupDialog.JTextFieldLimit - Class in hdf.view
NewImageDialog - Class in hdf.view
NewImageDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 Image.
NewImageDialog(Frame, Group, List<?>) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewImageDialog
Constructs NewImageDialog with specified list of possible parent groups.
newInstance(Class<?>, Object[]) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Create and initialize a new instance of the given class.
NewLinkDialog - Class in hdf.view
NewLinkDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new links.
NewLinkDialog(JFrame, Group, List<?>) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewLinkDialog
Constructs NewLinkDialog with specified list of possible parent groups.
NewTableDataDialog - Class in hdf.view
NewTableDataDialog shows a message dialog requesting user input for creating a new HDF4/5 dataset.
NewTableDataDialog(JFrame, Group, List<?>) - Constructor for class hdf.view.NewTableDataDialog
Constructs NewTableDataDialog with specified list of possible parent groups.
nMembersInFile - Variable in class hdf.object.Group
Total number of (Groups and Datasets) of this group in file.
nPoints - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The number of data points in the memory buffer.
NSGN - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
numberOfMembers - Variable in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
The number of members of the compound dataset.
numberOfPoints - Variable in class hdf.view.Chart
number of data points


oid - Variable in class hdf.object.HObject
Array of long integer storing unique identifier for the object.
open() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Opens access to this named datatype.
open() - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Opens file and returns a file identifier.
open(String, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
As of 2.4, replaced by FileFormat.createInstance(String, int) The replacement method has identical functionality and a more descriptive name. Since open is used elsewhere to perform a different function this method has been deprecated.
open(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Opens file and returns a file identifier.
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Opens access to a named datatype.
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Opens file and returns a file identifier.
open(int...) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Opens file and returns a file identifier.
open(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Opens a file with specific file access property list.
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
open() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
open() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Opens an existing object such as a dataset or group for access.
OPEN_NEW - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
File first time access flag for open file.
openFile(String, int) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Opens a file and retrieves the file structure of the file.
openFile(String, int) - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
Opens a file and retrieves the file structure of the file.
ORDER_BE - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
ORDER_LE - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
ORDER_NONE - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
ORDER_VAX - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
ORIGIN_LL - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
image origin: LowerLeft
ORIGIN_LR - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
image origin: LowerRight
ORIGIN_UL - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
image origin: UpperLeft
ORIGIN_UR - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
image origin: UpperRight
originalBuf - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The data buffer that contains the raw data directly reading from file (before any data conversion).


palette - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
The indexed RGB color model with 256 colors.
palette - Variable in class hdf.view.DefaultPaletteView
PaletteView - Interface in hdf.view
The palette view interface for displaying image palette
parent - Variable in class hdf.object.Group
The parent group where this group is located.


rank - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The number of dimensions of the dataset.
read() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Reads the data from file.
READ - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
File access flag for read-only permission.
read() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
read() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
read() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
read() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
read() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
readBytes() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Reads the raw data of the dataset from file to a byte array.
readBytes() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
readBytes() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
readBytes() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
readBytes() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
readBytes() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
readPalette(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
readPalette(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
readPalette(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
readPalette(int) - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Reads a specific image palette from file.
readPalette(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
read an image palette from a file.
reloadFile() - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
reloadTree(Group) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
reload the sub-tree structure from file.
removeDataView(DataView) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
data content is closed, and remove the dataview from the main window
removeDataView(DataView) - Method in interface hdf.view.ViewManager
Data content is closed, remove the dataview from the main window
removeFileFormat(String) - Static method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Removes a FileFormat from the list of supported formats.
removeFromMemberList(HObject) - Method in class hdf.object.Group
Removes an object from the member list of this group in memory.
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in interface hdf.object.DataFormat
Deletes an existing metadata from this data object.
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
removeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.NewLinkDialog
renameAttribute(HObject, String, String) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Renames an attribute.
renameAttribute(HObject, String, String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Renames an attribute.
renameObject(HObject, String) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Rename the given object
reopenFile(FileFormat) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
reopenFile(FileFormat) - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
ROTATE_CCW_90 - Static variable in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
ROTATE_CW_90 - Static variable in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView


save() - Method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Save user properties into property file
saveFile(FileFormat) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Save a file
saveFile(FileFormat) - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
save a file
saveImageAs(BufferedImage, File, String) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Save a BufferedImage into an image file.
ScalarDS - Class in hdf.object
A scalar dataset is a multiple dimension array of scalar points.
ScalarDS(FileFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Constructs an instance of a ScalarDS with specific name and path.
ScalarDS(FileFormat, String, String, long[]) - Constructor for class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Not for public use in the future.
Using ScalarDS.ScalarDS(FileFormat, String, String)
selectedDims - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
Array that contains the number of data points selected (for read/write) in each dimension.
selectedIndex - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
Array that contains the indices of the dimensions selected for display.
selectedStride - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The number of elements to move from the start location in each dimension.
selectMember(int) - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Selects the i-th member for read/write.
separator - Static variable in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
A single character to separate the names of nested compound fields.
separator - Static variable in class hdf.object.HObject
The separator of object path, i.e.
setAutoContrast(boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Set the flag to indicate if auto contrast is used in image process.
setConvertByteToString(boolean) - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Sets the flag that indicates if a byte array is converted to a string array.
setConvertEnum(boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
setData(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Not for public use in the future.

setData() is not safe to use because it changes memory buffer of the dataset object. Dataset operations such as write/read will fail if the buffer type or size is changed.

setDataDelimiter(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
set the delimiter of data values
setDescription(String) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Sets the human readable description of this filter.
setEarlyLib(boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Set the flag to indicate if default lib version is the earliest.
setEnumConverted(boolean) - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Set flag that indicate if enum data is converted to strings.
setEnumMembers(String) - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Sets the (name, value) pairs of enum members for enum datatype.
setExtensionListInDescription(boolean) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Determines whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
setFileExtension(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
set the file extension
setFontSize(int) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
sets the font size
setFontType(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
sets the font type
setH4toH5(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
set the path of the H4 to H5 converter
setHDF5UserBlock(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class hdf.view.DefaultFileFilter
Write HDF5 user block data into byte array.
setImage(Image) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
setImage(Image) - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
Sets the image
setImageDataRange(double, double) - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Sets data range for an image.
setImageOrigin(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
set the image origin
setIndexBase1(boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Set the flag to indicate if IndexBase should start at 1.
setIndexOrder(int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
setIndexOrder(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
setIndexOrder(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
set the index order
setIndexType(int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
setIndexType(int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
setIndexType(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
set the index type
setIsImage(boolean) - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Sets the flag to indicate this dataset is an image.
setIsImageDisplay(boolean) - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Sets the flag to display the dataset as an image.
setLibBounds(int, int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Sets the bounds of library versions.
setLibBounds(int, int) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Sets the bounds of library versions.
setLineColors(Color[]) - Method in class hdf.view.Chart
Sets the color of each line of a line plot
setLineLabels(String[]) - Method in class hdf.view.Chart
Sets the labels of each line.
setLinkTargetObjName(String) - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Sets the name of the target object that is linked to.
setMaxMembers(int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Sets the maximum number of objects to be loaded into memory.
setMaxMembers(int) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Current Java applications such as HDFView cannot handle files with large number of objects such as 1,000,000 objects.
setMemberSelection(boolean) - Method in class hdf.object.CompoundDS
Selects/deselects all members.
setName(String) - Method in class hdf.object.Group
Sets the name of the group.
setName(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
setName(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
setName(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
setName(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
setName(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
setName(String) - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Sets the name of the object.
setPalette(byte[][]) - Method in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Sets the palette for this dataset.
setPalette(byte[][]) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultImageView
setPalette(byte[][]) - Method in interface hdf.view.ImageView
Sets the image palette
setPath(String) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
setPath(String) - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Sets the path of the object.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
set a property for the attribute.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Set the flag to indicate if default file access is read only.
setShowImageValue(boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Set the flag to indicate if "show image values" is set.
setShowRegRefValue(boolean) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Set the flag to indicate if "show RegRef values" is set.
setStartMembers(int) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Sets the starting index of objects to be loaded into memory.
setStartMembers(int) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Current Java applications such as HDFView cannot handle files with large number of objects such as 1,000,000 objects.
setTypeToInteger() - Method in class hdf.view.Chart
Sets the data type of the plot data to be integer.
setUsersGuide(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
set the path of H5View User's guide
setValue(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Sets the value of the attribute.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface hdf.object.Metadata
Sets the value of this Metadata.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class hdf.view.UserOptionsDialog
setWorkDir(String) - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
set the path of the default work directory
show() - Method in interface hdf.view.HelpView
Display help information
showDataContent(HObject) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Display the content of a data object.
showDataContent(HObject) - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
Display the content of a data object.
showImageValues() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Returns true if "show image values" is set.
showMetaData(HObject) - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTreeView
Displays the meta data of a data object.
showMetaData(HObject) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
showMetaData(HObject) - Method in interface hdf.view.TreeView
Displays the meta data of a data object.
showRegRefValues() - Static method in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Returns true if "show regref values" is set.
showStatus(String) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
Display feedback message.
showStatus(String) - Method in interface hdf.view.ViewManager
Display feedback message
SIGN_2 - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
SIGN_NONE - Static variable in class hdf.object.Datatype
startDims - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The starting position of each dimension of a selected subset.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.HDFView
storage - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The storage information.
storage_layout - Variable in class hdf.object.Dataset
The storage layout information.
stringToByte(String[], int) - Static method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Converts a string array into an array of bytes for a fixed string dataset.


TableView - Interface in hdf.view
The table view interface for displaying data in table form
TextView - Interface in hdf.view
The text view interface for displaying text data
toBinaryString(long, int) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Returns a string representation of the long argument as an unsigned integer in base 2.
toHexString(long, int) - Static method in class hdf.view.Tools
Returns a string representation of the long argument as an unsigned integer in base 16.
toNative() - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
Converts the datatype object to a native datatype.
toNative() - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype
toNative(int) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Not for public use in the future.
Using H5.H5Tget_native_type(int)

Return the HDF5 memory datatype identifier based on the HDF5 datatype identifier on disk

toNative() - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
Tools - Class in hdf.view
The "Tools" class contains various tools for HDF files such as jpeg to HDF converter.
Tools() - Constructor for class hdf.view.Tools
toString() - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Return the name of the attribute.
toString(String) - Method in class hdf.object.Attribute
Returns a string representation of the data value of the attribute.
toString() - Method in class hdf.object.HObject
Returns the name of the object.
TreeView - Interface in hdf.view
TreeView defines APIs for opening a file and displaying the file structure in a tree structure.


unsignedConverted - Variable in class hdf.object.ScalarDS
Flag to indicate is the original unsigned C data is converted.
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in interface hdf.object.DataFormat
Updates an existing metadata from this data object.
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
updateMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
updateReferenceDataset(H5File, H5File) - Static method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
Updates values of scalar dataset object references in copied file.
updateValueInFile() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTableView
update dataset value in file.
updateValueInFile() - Method in class hdf.view.DefaultTextView
Update dataset value in file.
updateValueInFile() - Method in interface hdf.view.TableView
Write the change of a dataset into file.
updateValueInFile() - Method in interface hdf.view.TextView
Write the change of a dataset into file.
UserOptionsDialog - Class in hdf.view
UserOptionsDialog displays components for choosing user options.
UserOptionsDialog(JFrame, String) - Constructor for class hdf.view.UserOptionsDialog
constructs an UserOptionsDialog.


valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class hdf.view.MathConversionDialog
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hdf.view.ViewProperties.BITMASK_OP
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hdf.view.ViewProperties.DATA_VIEW_KEY
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum hdf.view.ViewProperties.BITMASK_OP
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum hdf.view.ViewProperties.DATA_VIEW_KEY
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class hdf.view.ViewProperties
the version of the HDFViewer
ViewManager - Interface in hdf.view
Defines a list of APIs for the main HDFView windows
ViewProperties - Class in hdf.view
ViewProperties(String) - Constructor for class hdf.view.ViewProperties
Creates a property list with given root directory of the HDFView.
ViewProperties.BITMASK_OP - Enum in hdf.view
Property keys control how the data is displayed.
ViewProperties.DATA_VIEW_KEY - Enum in hdf.view
Property keys control how the data is displayed.


write(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Writes a memory buffer to the dataset in file.
write() - Method in class hdf.object.Dataset
Writes the memory buffer of this dataset to file.
WRITE - Static variable in class hdf.object.FileFormat
File access flag for read/write permission.
write(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
write(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
write(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
write(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
Writes the given data buffer into this dataset in a file.
write(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
Writes the given data buffer into this dataset in a file.
writeAttribute(HObject, Attribute, boolean) - Method in class hdf.object.FileFormat
Attaches a given attribute to an object.
writeAttribute(HObject, Attribute, boolean) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4File
Creates a new attribute and attaches it to the object if the attribute does not exist.
writeAttribute(HObject, Attribute, boolean) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5File
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in interface hdf.object.DataFormat
Writes a specific metadata (such as attribute) into file.
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.Datatype
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Group
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Group
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5Link
writeMetadata(Object) - Method in class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS
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