public class ViewProperties extends Properties
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Property keys control how the data is displayed.
static class |
Property keys control how the data is displayed.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
name of the tab delimiter
static String |
name of the tab delimiter
static String |
name of the tab delimiter
static String |
name of the tab delimiter
static String |
name of the tab delimiter
static int |
the maximum number of most recent files
static String |
image origin: LowerLeft
static String |
image origin: LowerRight
static String |
image origin: UpperLeft
static String |
image origin: UpperRight
static String |
the version of the HDFViewer
Constructor and Description |
ViewProperties(String viewRoot)
Creates a property list with given root directory of the HDFView.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Icon |
getAnimationIcon() |
static ImageIcon |
getAppsIcon() |
static ImageIcon |
getAudioIcon() |
static Icon |
getAutocontrastIcon() |
static Icon |
getBlankIcon() |
static Icon |
getBrightIcon() |
static Icon |
getChartIcon() |
static Icon |
getCopyIcon() |
static Icon |
getCutIcon() |
static String |
getDataDelimiter() |
static Icon |
getDatasetIcon() |
static Icon |
getDatasetIconA() |
static Icon |
getDatatypeIcon() |
static Icon |
getDatatypeIconA() |
static Icon |
getFilecloseIcon() |
static String |
getFileExtension() |
static Icon |
getFilenewIcon() |
static Icon |
getFileopenIcon() |
static Icon |
getFilesaveIcon() |
static Icon |
getFirstIcon() |
static Icon |
getFoldercloseIcon() |
static Icon |
getFoldercloseIconA() |
static Icon |
getFolderopenIcon() |
static Icon |
getFolderopenIconA() |
static int |
getFontSize() |
static String |
getFontType() |
static Icon |
getH4Icon() |
static Icon |
getH4IconR() |
static String |
getH4toH5() |
static Icon |
getH5Icon() |
static Icon |
getH5IconR() |
static Icon |
getHdfIcon() |
static Icon |
getHelpIcon() |
static Vector<String> |
getHelpViewList() |
static Icon |
getImageIcon() |
static Icon |
getImageIconA() |
static String |
getImageOrigin() |
static Vector<String> |
getImageViewList() |
static String |
getIndexOrder() |
static String |
getIndexType() |
static Icon |
getLargeHdfIcon() |
static Icon |
getLastIcon() |
static Icon |
getLinkIcon() |
static int |
Current Java applications such as HDFView cannot handle files with large
number of objects such as 1,000,000 objects.
static int |
getMaxRecentFiles() |
static Vector<String> |
getMetaDataViewList() |
static Vector<String> |
getMRF() |
static Icon |
getNextIcon() |
static Icon |
getPaletteIcon() |
static Vector<String> |
getPaletteList() |
static Vector<String> |
getPaletteViewList() |
static Icon |
getPasteIcon() |
static ImageIcon |
getPdfIcon() |
static Icon |
getPreviousIcon() |
static String |
getPropertyFile() |
static Icon |
getQuestionIcon() |
static Vector<String[]> |
getSrbAccount() |
static int |
Current Java applications such as HDFView cannot handle files with large
number of objects such as 1,000,000 objects.
static Icon |
getTableIcon() |
static Icon |
getTableIconA() |
static Vector<String> |
getTableViewList() |
static Icon |
getTextIcon() |
static Icon |
getTextIconA() |
static Vector<String> |
getTextViewList() |
static Vector<String> |
getTreeViewList() |
static ImageIcon |
getUrlIcon() |
static String |
getUsersGuide() |
static ImageIcon |
getVideoIcon() |
static String |
getViewRoot() |
static String |
getWorkDir() |
static ImageIcon |
getXlsIcon() |
static Icon |
getZoominIcon() |
static Icon |
getZoomoutIcon() |
static boolean |
Returns true if auto contrast is used in image processing.
static boolean |
isConvertEnum() |
static boolean |
Returns true if default lib version is the earliest.
static boolean |
isIndexBase1() |
static boolean |
Returns true if default file access is read only.
Enumeration<Object> |
keys() |
void |
Load user properties from property file
static ClassLoader |
load module classes
static void |
loadIcons() |
void |
Save user properties into property file
static void |
setAutoContrast(boolean b)
Set the flag to indicate if auto contrast is used in image process.
static void |
setConvertEnum(boolean convertEnum) |
static void |
setDataDelimiter(String delim)
set the delimiter of data values
static void |
setEarlyLib(boolean b)
Set the flag to indicate if default lib version is the earliest.
static void |
setFileExtension(String ext)
set the file extension
static void |
setFontSize(int fsize)
sets the font size
static void |
setFontType(String ftype)
sets the font type
static void |
setH4toH5(String tool)
set the path of the H4 to H5 converter
static void |
setImageOrigin(String o)
set the image origin
static void |
setIndexBase1(boolean b)
Set the flag to indicate if IndexBase should start at 1.
static void |
setIndexOrder(String idxOrder)
set the index order
static void |
setIndexType(String idxType)
set the index type
static void |
setMaxMembers(int n)
Current Java applications such as HDFView cannot handle files with large
number of objects such as 1,000,000 objects.
static void |
setReadOnly(boolean b)
Set the flag to indicate if default file access is read only.
static void |
setShowImageValue(boolean b)
Set the flag to indicate if "show image values" is set.
static void |
setShowRegRefValue(boolean b)
Set the flag to indicate if "show RegRef values" is set.
static void |
setStartMembers(int idx)
Current Java applications such as HDFView cannot handle files with large
number of objects such as 1,000,000 objects.
static void |
setUsersGuide(String str)
set the path of H5View User's guide
static void |
setWorkDir(String wDir)
set the path of the default work directory
static boolean |
Returns true if "show image values" is set.
static boolean |
Returns true if "show regref values" is set.
getProperty, getProperty, list, list, load, load, loadFromXML, propertyNames, save, setProperty, store, store, storeToXML, storeToXML, stringPropertyNames
clear, clone, compute, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, contains, containsKey, containsValue, elements, entrySet, equals, forEach, get, getOrDefault, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, merge, put, putAll, putIfAbsent, rehash, remove, remove, replace, replace, replaceAll, size, toString, values
public static final String VERSION
public static final int MAX_RECENT_FILES
public static final String DELIMITER_TAB
public static final String DELIMITER_COMMA
public static final String DELIMITER_SPACE
public static final String DELIMITER_COLON
public static final String ORIGIN_UL
public static final String ORIGIN_LL
public static final String ORIGIN_UR
public static final String ORIGIN_LR
public static final String DELIMITER_SEMI_COLON
public ViewProperties(String viewRoot)
- the root directory of the HDFViewpublic static ClassLoader loadExtClass()
public static String getViewRoot()
public static Icon getFoldercloseIcon()
public static Icon getFoldercloseIconA()
public static Icon getFolderopenIcon()
public static Icon getFolderopenIconA()
public static Icon getHdfIcon()
public static Icon getH4IconR()
public static Icon getH5IconR()
public static Icon getDatasetIcon()
public static Icon getDatasetIconA()
public static Icon getDatatypeIcon()
public static Icon getDatatypeIconA()
public static Icon getLinkIcon()
public static Icon getFileopenIcon()
public static Icon getFilesaveIcon()
public static Icon getFilenewIcon()
public static Icon getFilecloseIcon()
public static Icon getPaletteIcon()
public static Icon getBrightIcon()
public static Icon getAutocontrastIcon()
public static Icon getImageIcon()
public static Icon getTableIcon()
public static Icon getTextIcon()
public static Icon getImageIconA()
public static Icon getTableIconA()
public static Icon getTextIconA()
public static Icon getZoominIcon()
public static Icon getZoomoutIcon()
public static Icon getBlankIcon()
public static Icon getHelpIcon()
public static Icon getCopyIcon()
public static Icon getCutIcon()
public static Icon getPasteIcon()
public static Icon getLargeHdfIcon()
public static Icon getPreviousIcon()
public static Icon getNextIcon()
public static Icon getFirstIcon()
public static Icon getLastIcon()
public static Icon getChartIcon()
public static Icon getAnimationIcon()
public static ImageIcon getAppsIcon()
public static ImageIcon getUrlIcon()
public static ImageIcon getVideoIcon()
public static ImageIcon getXlsIcon()
public static ImageIcon getPdfIcon()
public static ImageIcon getAudioIcon()
public static Icon getQuestionIcon()
public static void loadIcons()
public void load() throws Exception
- if a failure occurredpublic void save()
public static String getPropertyFile()
public static String getWorkDir()
public static int getMaxRecentFiles()
public static String getUsersGuide()
public static String getDataDelimiter()
public static String getImageOrigin()
public static String getIndexType()
public static String getIndexOrder()
public static int getFontSize()
public static String getFontType()
public static String getFileExtension()
public static void setFontSize(int fsize)
- the font sizepublic static void setFontType(String ftype)
- the font typepublic static Vector<String> getPaletteList()
public static Vector<String[]> getSrbAccount()
public static Vector<String> getTreeViewList()
public static Vector<String> getMetaDataViewList()
public static Vector<String> getTextViewList()
public static Vector<String> getTableViewList()
public static Vector<String> getImageViewList()
public static Vector<String> getPaletteViewList()
public static Vector<String> getHelpViewList()
public static void setUsersGuide(String str)
- the pathpublic static void setH4toH5(String tool)
- the path of the H4 to H5 converterpublic static void setWorkDir(String wDir)
- the default work directorypublic static void setFileExtension(String ext)
- the file extensionpublic static void setDataDelimiter(String delim)
- the delimiter of data valuespublic static void setImageOrigin(String o)
- the image originpublic static void setIndexType(String idxType)
- the index typepublic static void setIndexOrder(String idxOrder)
- the index orderpublic static void setMaxMembers(int n)
- the maximum number of objects to load into memorypublic static void setStartMembers(int idx)
- the maximum number of objects to load into memorypublic static int getMaxMembers()
public static int getStartMembers()
public static boolean isAutoContrast()
public static boolean showImageValues()
public static void setAutoContrast(boolean b)
- the flag to indicate if auto contrast is used in image
process.public static void setShowImageValue(boolean b)
- the flag to indicate if if "show image values" is set.public static boolean isReadOnly()
public static void setReadOnly(boolean b)
- the flag to indicate if default file access is read only.public static boolean isEarlyLib()
public static void setEarlyLib(boolean b)
- the flag to indicate if default lib version is the earliest.public static boolean isConvertEnum()
public static boolean showRegRefValues()
public static boolean isIndexBase1()
public static void setConvertEnum(boolean convertEnum)
- the convertEnum to setpublic static void setShowRegRefValue(boolean b)
- the flag to indicate if if "show RegRef values" is set.public static void setIndexBase1(boolean b)
- the flag to indicate if IndexBase should start at 1.Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.